Tuesday, March 08, 2011

Stamford Homes Cold Overton Road Oakham, Rutland County Council Development Control

A meeting of the DEVELOPMENT CONTROL AND LICENSING COMMITTEE will be held in the Council Chamber, Catmose, Oakham on Tuesday 8 March 2011 commencing at 6.00pm to decide if permission will be granted for 125 homes on the old Vale of Catmose College site, Cold Overton Road Oakham. Planning officers are recommending approval and as you can see from the photograph Stamford Homes are very confident they will be granted approval. Despite very strong objection made by Oakham Town Council. Another sign of how week our town council is.

I am surprised Waitrose has not erected a sign like this at the College site.

 Past Comments regarding the development made by Oakham Town Councillors

Clr Charles Haworth and Cllr Joyce Lucas of Oakham Town Council said they don't want a ghetto on their doorsteps and Cllr Alf Dewis describing Stamford Homes previous building work here in Oakham a disgrace and shoddy.