Showing posts with label Stamford Homes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Stamford Homes. Show all posts

Sunday, October 23, 2011

New Homes, Cold Overton Road, Oakham, Linden Homes, Stamford Homes, Photographs Former Vale Catmose Site

New Homes, Cold Overton Road, Oakham, Linden Homes, Stamford Homes, Photographs

New show home nearly complete, not sure about french doors opening onto shared drive.

Sunday, October 02, 2011

New Homes, Linden Homes, Stamford Homes, Cold Overton Road, Oakham, Rutland

New Homes, Linden Homes, Stamford Homes, Cold Overton Road, Oakham, Rutland.

New builds do go up quickly, some one said to me only yesterday they did not even see the old school go.

Cllr Maureen Dodds a Oakham Town Councillor said she has be told the front row of these houses looking out onto Cold Overton Road, will be given to immigrants. She said residents in the area up to Mendip Close are very unhappy with this possibility. I myself saw nothing in the plans to suggest any part of this development would become social housing, but that does not stop any developer at a later stage selling part or all of a development to a social landlord.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Stamford Homes, New Homes, Cold Overton Road, Oakham, Rutland, Former Vale Catmose School

New Homes, Cold Overton Road, Oakham, Rutland, Former Vale Catmose School

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Stamford Homes, Building Started, Cold Overton Road, Oakham, Rutland, Photographs

Stamford Homes, Building Started, Cold Overton Road, Oakham, Rutland, Photographs

Saturday, July 16, 2011



The Council has proposed the following names for the new development:

Whole development - West Vale Park

Roads - John Clare Close
               Coleridge Way

The Council felt that the names of the new roads should have some educational significance given the former use of the site and its proximity to the new Catmose College. 

The theme of poets was decided on and John Clare also has significant local connections.

Sunday, April 03, 2011

Stamford Homes, Linden Homes, Galliford Try Homes Group, Cold Overton Road, Oakham, Rutland, Catmose College Site

The demolition of the old Catmose College is due to start very soon, security fences have been erected.
I noticed one small change to the developers sign. The site no longer advertises Stamford Homes. I wonder if this is due to Cllr Alf Dewis stating they build shoddy building and Cllrs Lucas and Haworth saying they did not want a Stamford Homes Ghetto on thier doorstep. The sign now advertises Linden Homes this company is part of the same group owned by Galliford Try Homes Group

Below is the old Stamford homes sign.

Stamford Homes, Linden Homes, Galliford Try Homes Group, Cold Overton Road, Oakham, Rutland, Catmose College Site

Tuesday, March 08, 2011

Stamford Homes Cold Overton Road Oakham, Rutland County Council Development Control

A meeting of the DEVELOPMENT CONTROL AND LICENSING COMMITTEE will be held in the Council Chamber, Catmose, Oakham on Tuesday 8 March 2011 commencing at 6.00pm to decide if permission will be granted for 125 homes on the old Vale of Catmose College site, Cold Overton Road Oakham. Planning officers are recommending approval and as you can see from the photograph Stamford Homes are very confident they will be granted approval. Despite very strong objection made by Oakham Town Council. Another sign of how week our town council is.

I am surprised Waitrose has not erected a sign like this at the College site.

 Past Comments regarding the development made by Oakham Town Councillors

Clr Charles Haworth and Cllr Joyce Lucas of Oakham Town Council said they don't want a ghetto on their doorsteps and Cllr Alf Dewis describing Stamford Homes previous building work here in Oakham a disgrace and shoddy.

Saturday, January 08, 2011

Stamford Homes Cold Overton Road Oakham

Stamford Homes Cold Overton Road Oakham

It looks like it a done deal, despite  Clr Haworth and Cllr Lucas of Oakham Town Council saying they don't want a ghetto on their doorsteps and Cllr Alf Dewis describing Stamford Homes previous building work here in Oakham a disgrace and shoddy the sign has been erected to advertise the new homes development.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Stamford Homes Vale of Catmose College and Oakham Town Council

Oakham Town Councils planning and general purposes committee met last night

They discussed a number of applications this included.

APP/2010/1066/PG Stamford Homes Limited Variation of condition 5 of planning permission OUT/2008/0344 to increase the total number of dwellings from 117 to at least 125 Vale of Catmose College Cold Overton Road.


APP/2010/1073PG  Stamford Homes Limited
Reserved matters application for erection of 125 new dwellings and associated works Vale of Catmose College Cold Overton Road.

Outline planning application was approved in 2008 for the building of 117 new homes.

Cllr Charles Haworth said he did not like the density of the build and asked the question is going to become a ghetto?

Once again Cllr Joyce Lucas chairing the meeting became confused with which agenda item members were considering.

Cllr Joyce Lucas agreed with her with Cllr  Charles Haworth it could become a ghetto and did want a ghetto of low quality style homes in our area.

(70 % two bedroom homes a contradiction of the council past concerns for the need for affordable homes for young people, is it a case of we need them but not on my door step thanks?)

Cllr Dewis said Horrific density and had concerns with increased traffic and possible further delays at the crossing.

He later added College Close was spoilt and Stamford Homes built rubbish.

(has he ever looked at the front of his house and the ugly addition that suffered he is often so critical of others his extension looks like two boxes consisting of two very large double garages and a box on top.)

Cllr Lucas went on to say she was not happy with the environmental plan. Not happy with the removal of mature trees and the proposal to replace them with boring things.

Cllr Sharon Spencer expressed concerns  about traffic and access to the new school.

Cllr Tor Clark and Cllr Alan Walters (who did not swear) both were pleased to see the inclusion of social and affordable housing.

The members turned down both applications.