Oakham Town Councils planning and general purposes committee met last night
They discussed a number of applications this included.
APP/2010/1066/PG Stamford Homes Limited Variation of condition 5 of planning permission OUT/2008/0344 to increase the total number of dwellings from 117 to at least 125 Vale of Catmose College Cold Overton Road.
APP/2010/1073PG Stamford Homes Limited
Reserved matters application for erection of 125 new dwellings and associated works Vale of Catmose College Cold Overton Road.
Outline planning application was approved in 2008 for the building of 117 new homes.
Cllr Charles Haworth said he did not like the density of the build and asked the question is going to become a ghetto?
Once again Cllr Joyce Lucas chairing the meeting became confused with which agenda item members were considering.
Cllr Joyce Lucas agreed with her with Cllr Charles Haworth it could become a ghetto and did want a ghetto of low quality style homes in our area.
(70 % two bedroom homes a contradiction of the council past concerns for the need for affordable homes for young people, is it a case of we need them but not on my door step thanks?)
Cllr Dewis said Horrific density and had concerns with increased traffic and possible further delays at the crossing.
He later added College Close was spoilt and Stamford Homes built rubbish.
(has he ever looked at the front of his house and the ugly addition that suffered he is often so critical of others his extension looks like two boxes consisting of two very large double garages and a box on top.)
Cllr Lucas went on to say she was not happy with the environmental plan. Not happy with the removal of mature trees and the proposal to replace them with boring things.
Cllr Sharon Spencer expressed concerns about traffic and access to the new school.
Cllr Tor Clark and Cllr Alan Walters (who did not swear) both were pleased to see the inclusion of social and affordable housing.
The members turned down both applications.
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Thursday, November 18, 2010
Stamford Homes Vale of Catmose College and Oakham Town Council
Labels: Oakham, Rutland, UK, Photos
Martin Brookes,
Oakham town council,
Stamford Homes,
Vale of Catmose College