Thursday, November 18, 2010

Oakham Town Council Planning

Oakham Town Councils planning and general purposes committee met last night

They discussed a number of applications this included.

APP2010/1063/NH Hawksmead Limited
Creation of new vehicular access
Land North of roundabout Main Road Barleythorpe

The members could not discuss the above because Rutland County Council had approved it before this meeting.

(I think this shows it is true what Cllr Jones says RCC members don’t really consider the Town Council’s views I would go as far as to say this also includes public opinion)

The members then moved onto consider

APP/2010/1076/APB Mr and Mrs Niall Cooter
Construction of single storey extension to side and rear elevation 23 Trent Road.

Once again Cllr Alf Dewis did not like the proposed extension,  It was to big and did not have a flat roof. Cllr Matthew Taylor explained a pitched roof was better than a flat roof,

The application was approved.

Members excluding the clerk considered the following (Clerk declared applicant as a family member)

APP/2010/1076/APB Mr and Mrs Dear
Construction of pitched roof over existing garage and extension 22 Derwent Drive

Members approved application.

APP/2010/1035/JM Miss Julianne Wright
Change of use from residential C3 to beauty salon business D1
55 South Beard

Cllr Charles Haworth who clearly needs some beauty tips himself (new beard yuk) spoke against the change he felt the conversion of South Street into a retail area was not needed. It was quickly pointed out to him there was more than the dentist and the very quiet Rutland Times Office he mentioned trading from South Street. He really needs to get out more and venture further than Tesco.

Cllr Walters was concerned the shop would be sandwiched between two homes.

Cllr Haworth proposed refusal this was defeated so Cllr Matthew Lucas proposed acceptance this was approved.

Members went onto consider a number of tree related applications all were approved.

At this point the Chair either confused or fed up who knows what Cllr Lucas thinks started to close the meeting. The clerk woke up just before she said the final word and pointed out there were another  2 items for members to consider.