Thursday, November 18, 2010

Jinky's Oakham Oakham Town Council Planning

Oakham Town Councils planning and general purposes committee met last night

Apologies for absence were accepted from Cllr Gray, Cllr Woodcock and as per usual Cllr Swiffin

A number of members declared interests.

Cllr Lucas chairing the meeting and brought her usual confusion to the meeting ny declaring she was not sure members were approving the correct minutes. The clerk attempted to assist her. She said she had not seen the minutes and he replied you will when you sign them.

At public deputations I spoke about Jinkys application.  I explained to members how I was attacked by people claiming to be customers via e-mail and comments for posting on my blog photographs of the establishment and suggesting it was not my type of bar. I then told members the owner Mr Woods was much more courteous, was money was the issue when it came to improving the outside of the pub. I asked members to consider Jinky’s not just as a pub but a families source of income. I also mentioned some people turn out of an evening and consume their own drink on door steps before visiting the bars and clubs and a resident told me they felt no one was listening or believing them.

I know the feeling I observed Cllr Alf Dewis and his manner towards me whilst I was speaking this man is so rude.

It became clear later in the meeting the biggest issue was the appearance of the pub and past noise from music and people leaving via the back door.

The clerk explained the history,  suggesting other licence holders in the town were unhappy with how easily Jinky’s obtained a premises licence, he put the blame 50/50 at the door of Mr Woods and Rutland County Council.

It was clear he and members did not understand what a premises licence was or what the new classification of A4 included.

The Clerk went on to say the police had never been called to an incident at Jinky’s

Cllr Mathew Taylor could see no issue with a pub in this part of town although he expressed concerns regarding past noise levels disturbing nearby residents.

Cllr Maureen Dodds who is one of the ward Councillors was concerned if A4 status was granted Mr Woods would serve food, it was explained to her he already serves food. She said Jinky’s interferes with the lives of residents mainly due to the noise from music and the garden.

Cllr Joyce Lucas said the police created a problem, they stand outside the pub at the front and customers appear to leave via the wall at the back to avoid the police. She added things such as noise had improved.

The application from Mr Woods APP/2010/1060/NT change of use from A1 (retail) to A4 (Drinking establishment) 14-16 Melton Road   was approved by the town council subject to condition that I am sure Rutland County Council will want to be seen to be carried out.

It was suggested RCC used listed building enforcement to get the outside improved.