Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Oakham Town Council Staffing Committee

Oakham Town Council Town Council Staffing Committee will reconvene tonight, the meeting was adjourned last week after I conducted a peaceful protest, during which I was called deluded by Cllr Charles Haworth and he clearly expressed his intention to see me banned for the council chamber and public office. A breach of a Councillors Code of Conduct to always show others respect. I reacted as a offended member of the public by calling him a smelly scum bag, He had invaded my space by making an attempt to eject me from the meeting. He was unshaven and smelly what a mess, his constant yawning and looks of disinterest throughout the entire previous meeting council lead me to ask the question why has he stood again. He suggested he should use the 999 service from his mobile phone. Other members decided it would be better to just call the normal police number, we all sat and waited a very long time and then Cllr Dewis returned and said he would have to defer the meeting because the police would not attend, I wonder if this had anything to do with their chum Inspector Monks being away on leave?  We all then went home.

The adjourned meeting will continue tonight the public and press will be banned, Cllr Adam Lowe who is not a member of the committee will be able to attend.

My protest was based on the second resolution it was not included when I was last a Oakham Town Councillor. Now Councillors on the staffing committee can pick and chose which members they allow to stay. When I wanted to stay and observe they would call the police too have me removed.

(i) To decide whether to exclude the press and public during consideration of Items 7 and 8
on the Agenda due to the confidential nature of the matters to be discussed
(Local Government Act 1972 Section 100)
(ii) To decide whether members of the Council who are not members of the Staffing
Committee may remain during consideration of Items 7 and 8 on the Agenda

At this meeting two items will be dealt with. The process will start so the Town Clerk will get his annual pay rise, the agenda item is just a formality. He happily says his contract gives him the right to a annual pay increase, not bad in this present economic climate. When many staff in real councils are loosing their jobs or being forced to take pay cuts in some cases at Rutland County Council around £3000 have been cut from wages. These cuts never appears to effect staff at senior levels.

Even though the pay off all Oakham Town Council staff is funded by the local tax payer they won't be told how much the increase is.

Whilst I am writing about the subject of the Clerks appraisal people may notice when the Clerk finishes work the vertical blinds are closed in the office. If you are interested in how much value for money you receive for this full time job, just make a note of how many days you see these blinds closed at lunchtime and not reopening until the next day. Is this worth the £2000 a month of your money he takes home after deductions.
(once I return to the council, I won't be able to mention his pay, he will most likely say I am bullying him again at a recent meeting I had with the Clerk I agreed not to blog about, he did say he was stronger.  If you need to resort to foul language during a face to face meeting that is a sign of weakness. I hope this won't be repeated when I return to the council)

To consider the appraisal and to make appropriate recommendations to the Council

To consider the interim appraisal and to make appropriate recommendations to the Council