Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Green Flag Award, Cutts Close, Oakham, Rutland, Photograph

Green Flag Award, Cutts Close, Oakham, Rutland, Photograph

Our Chairman and Mayor Councillor Joyce Lucas did a very egotistic thing today she arranged a press
photograph to celebrate the presentation of the Green Flag, without inviting the hard working people from
Oakham in Bloom or the former Mayor Sharon Spencer who had worked on the project. She also failed
to inform other councillors. I am afraid to say I am regretting nominating this person as Mayor she is selfish
rude and costing the tax payer a fortune. I noticed she has gone back to using council stationary to produce
her illegal fly postings. No wonder the poor Clerk has gone of sick again.

Most local people will know Cutts Close does not have a flag pole, so to get these pictures I have Oakham Tyres to thank for lending me their pole. The wind was not that strong and these were the best shots I could catch.