Saturday, August 13, 2011

Oakham Town Council Chairman's Allowance incompetence or corruption?

Oakham Town Council Chairman's Allowance incompetence or corruption?

For the first time in many years the Clerk of Oakham Town Council informed council members, from now on all chairman / mayors will have to prove how they have spent their allowance.

Something the local government act has required for many years. The Clerk told members this had been picked up by the internal auditor. I question why this has taken so long, then I realise why the external auditor about a year ago ordered the Council should appoint a new internal auditor because the relationship had become to close.

I raised my concerns nearly two years ago and was told the allowance running into thousands of pounds was paid tax free, for the Chairman / Mayor to spend as they wished and it had nothing to do with me or anyone else.

This is a disgrace in many ways is worse than they MP's expenses scandal. Either the Clerk and past councillors were corrupt or incompetent?

Whatever it is, I will be asking the council to recover all monies paid that can not be accounted for.
The year I complained Mrs Fillingham was chairman, she was paid the allowance tax free even though she was unfit to attend meetings.

I will also repeat my request for Leicestershire Constabulary to investigate this council and its affairs.

It is not acceptable for the Clerk just to right off these payments. I am hoping the new intake of councillors will support my request to protect and reclaim tax payers money that was squandered, by former councillors.

I know some of them will be reading this blog, To make it very clear the Clerk Richard White said at the meeting past chairman's had not accounted for their allowances.

Once again I question what is the tax payer is paying the Clerk for,  it appears he let this practice continue for a number of years.

It is not surprising the new councillors are expressing concerns even if only privately at the moment.