Monday, September 26, 2011

Bakers Yard, Church Street, Oakham, Rutland £30,000 S106 Rutland County Council

 Church Street Car Park

By pure chance I was able to receive a copy of a email sent to all Town Councillors Excluding me.
Its very difficult to perform Councillors duties when you are excluded by The Chair Councillor Joyce Lucas, Deputy Chair Councillor Charles Haworth and the lovely Alf Dewis. Now the person who said I had my head up a smelly place on Sunday, here is a fact that man certainly does have his head stuck right up something smelly Conservative Rutland County Council!

 Church Street, Oakham, Rutland

The interesting thing about this is Deputy Leader of Rutland County Council Terry King, he's a charming Conservative, has told the local elite they have a a pile of lovely cash £30,000 in total.for the benefit of Church Street, Oakham, they have so far neglected to inform local business and those who reside in the street.

It appears Cllr Dewis did not even want me to know anything about this money.

I am not sure if this will come before full Town Council but if it does it would be good to know how those local business's and residents would like to see how their environment can be improved.

For anyone not sure what 106 payments are its a legal bribe, if you want to develop anywhere you are expected to pay sums of money to the local authority, of course they will tell you this does not effect the outcome of the planning decision... in this case the owners of the Bakers Yard are committed to a rather large payment. £30,000 seems a lot of money to find if you want to open a bar and restaurant here in Oakham.

That reminds me did they ever get an agreement signed by Tesco, a bit of a slip up there they approved the application without the agreement signed and set in stone. Naughty Rutland County Council..
If I was Tesco I know what I would go and tell Rutland County Council to go and do!

Another point of interest Rutland seems to have a large amount of groups and committees and the same old stale old Tory faces seem to have a finger or is that a thumb in all of them.... I wonder why?  Money, Money, seems to me to be the attraction, spending other peoples money in any way that pleases them and any one who dares to question, heaven forbid if they do.
One business man said "people don't speak highly of the Councils" it not surprising really and not surprising they are not willing to stand up to these awful people.

- Original Message -----
From: Alf Dewis
Sent: Monday, September 26, 2011 7:20 AM
Subject: Baker's Yard, Church Street, Oakham

At the Oakham Town Partnership meeting last Thursday we were advised by Terry King that monies were available from a S106 Agreement for the above development.  I contacted Victoria Brambini who advised that £15,000 was immediately available and the remaining £15,000 was in the process of being claimed following its completion.
At the meeting it was felt that any joint application from OTP and OTC would have a more robust chance of success rather than two individual proposals.  Victoria advises that the money has to be spent on environmental improvements to
Church Street
and improvement to Church Street Car Park. 
Could you please give this request important consideration as we need to have a solid idea of what we consider appropriate for the £30,000 at the earliest opportunity so that a joint proposal can be compiled.
Perhaps Richard could advise whether this needs to be a resolution of Council, if so, I request it as an agenda item for 12th October.