Monday, September 26, 2011

Oakham Skatepark Repairs, Oakham Town Council.

Bingo!! The Skate Park Repairs just I as mentioned in a previous email to the Town Council it won't be long before the builder of the skate park acquired all the money he originally wanted.
I reported the recent wear and tear in good time, for the item to be placed on the Agenda of next Wednesdays Planning and Parks Committee. 
Once again the Clerk has invoked his emergency powers to ensure the friendly contractor get their cash.
I am surprised he even bothered to tell Councillors.

I do hope, they will be writing the cheque out to his company and he is not given the option to have the cheque 
made payable to him personally as previously offered.

Now who was it in the office who told me this man's wife used to work for Rutland County Council?
The original work request was turned down by the full council because it quoted for work that might be needed.
It now appears all this year skatepark budget is all spent and now we are dipping into another heading.
The Skatepark expense is almost out of control and should be brought to the attention of the full council to discuss future options. 

This is also in my view an abuse of the Clerks powers, We assured this power would only be used for example if another tree fell down in the road and it had to be removed, real emergencies.
The Skatepark has had various holes and splits for months this was not an emergency 
From Martin
I met with Chris Straw (the person who built the skatepark) on Saturday morning. This was to initially discuss splits to the surfacing that had been reported. However, it became apparent that additonal work is also necessary and as a result of the meeting I am authorising the following, using my emergency powers, to ensure that this work is completed as quickly as possible
The middle "spine ramp" has not been resurfaced since the park was built three years ago. The surfacing on one side has split because the layer of 9mm plywood underneath is no longer providing sufficient support. Both layers will need to be removed and, at this stage, the supporting beams can also be checked for soundness and replaced if necessary. New surfacing will then be put back on. It makes sense to do both sides of this at the same time to ensure its integrity for, hopefully, the next three years.
On the Eastern Wall there is a "flat bank" that comes down the middle of the transition. This, too, is now unsafe and will be removed. It will be replaced with a transition so that there is one smooth surface all the way along.
This is not going to be cheap (estimate is £2000) bearing in mind that at least 7 sheets of "Skatelite" top surfacing will be required. These are about £130 a sheet. In addition at least 7 sheets of 9mm underlay will be needed and it is uknown how many transition beams will need to be replaced until the top two layers are removed. However, I believe the above works are necessary to ensure that it remains safe to use. As you are all aware this is an extremely popular facility for youngsters in the town
Monies will come from the Additional Maintenance budget heading which currently contains £5555.
The Work Order has been sent today.
Richard White
Clerk to Oakham Town Council
01572 723627
E-mail: rwhite@oakhamtowncouncil.gov.uk