Thursday, September 15, 2011

Oakham Mayor Cllr Lucas Engagements List, one TWICE in one day!

Arriving at last nights council meeting amongst the papers awaiting member was a new list

Engagements attended by the Mayor.

I thought good the message had finally sunk in we don't want to sit and listen and listen.....
to the Mayor listing all she has done in the past month.

Then the Mayor arrived and removed the lists from the room snatching the one I was reading.

I thought she was unhappy with the perception that might be drawn from the first item (one Twice in one day!)
The Mayor refused to explain further and slammed the office door behind.

It later became aware she was annoyed the Clerk had distributed the list, she needed to hand out the list personally during the meeting.

The list is shorter this month the Mayor took a holiday she is intending to gain an entry in the Guiness Book of Records for the most events attended by a Mayor in a year. Stating "I attending more events than Sharon Spencer did last year when I was Mayor before"

Is there not a saying quality rather than quantity?

Sharon Spencer said "it is said Councillor Lucas carries the chain in her handbag where ever she goes"