Friday, September 23, 2011

Oakham Town Council Parks Meeting Wednesday 28th September 2011 Cottesmore Hunt

Next Wednesday Councillors will be asked to consider the following request from the Cottesmore Hunt.

Subject: Boxing Day.

Dear Richard
I hope you are well, Here we are again - heading inexorably towards Christmas!
Again I am writing to ask permission of the Town Council for the Cottesmore Hunt to meet in Cutts
Close for their traditional boxing Day Meet on Monday 26th December at 11.00am
We are hoping for more favourable weather this year -skating around the park on my horse was very
Kind regards
Claire Bell
Secretary - Cottesmore Hunt

This year I will be voting against approval not because I don't like the Cottesmore Hunt, purely because it is political and the same reason Oakham Town Council turned down the use of the park when requested by The Save Cottesmore Group. Most Councillors labelled  that political that event political so it did not go ahead.
I have watched and photographed the Cottesmore Hunt in Cutts Close listened to the speeches and seen the past t-shirts printed bollocks to Blair

Another reason is I turned on Big Brother on Five and saw Harry that is most certainly a reason not to support the event.