Thursday, September 29, 2011

Oakham Town Council, Set to Raise Council Tax Bills

Oakham Town Council, Set to Raise Council Tax Bills next year.

Oakham Town Council Deputy Mayor reminded members they did not raise the precept this year. Cllr Charles Haworth said we should consider increasing the precept next year.

It was any extraordinary request request because we all know Oakham Town Council has no strategic plan.
I have no idea how much the increase is likely to be. But  as we already charge a hefty amount I don't believe there should be any increase.

The Council just spends money as it pleases, Cllr Charles Haworth likes to refer to it as a continuation of the councils work.

We were asked last night to consider the budget for the parks and planning committee. What a joke. £350 for the Mayors Regalia? You might ask what that has to do with planning some did and the questions kept coming.
Fortunately the matter was deferred.

I asked the Clerk where have the figures come from, had they been picked from the sky. He replied you have to start somewhere! I don''t care when will people take notice this man is paid over £35,000 a year works part time and we have to put up with this. The tax payer deserves a lot better.