Friday, September 23, 2011

Photographs Archives, Oakham Town Council, Rutland County Council, Inspector Monks

Photographs Archives, Oakham  Town Council, Rutland County Council, Inspector Monks Leicestershire Police.

I often look through my photograph archives its most enjoyable. Although there are some like these that remind me of the start of the bullying I have been subjected to by the above.

The local Tory Bullies and their hangers on.

The First photograph shows former Conservative Oakham Town Councillor and Mayor Jan Fillingham MBE in the Rutland Times and telling us all off for drinking in public.

After the publication of that and the following two images my Flickr accounts was deleted. Rutland County Council later  admitted they had contacted Flickr.

The ongoing harassment I have endured was supported by Inspector Monks.

Text read: Mrs Fillingham is particularly keen to promote the alcohol designation order which bans people from drinking in public places as she feels it has been forgotten by young people and adults.

If this was true then why was she and fellow councillor Sue Tyers often seen boozing in the park?

It was normal for Councillors to knock back a bottle
of wine at most events and they ask me why I call
them drunks and quite frankly hypocrites
possibly why Mrs Tyer went on to be photographing dropping her
knickers in public.

Then I came across this one The big bully Leader of them all 
Rutland County Councils Conservative Leader Roger Begy OBE
Photographed when he publicly showed his true self
towards a female member of the public that resulted
in a standards complaint be made he was found guilty
it took months to get the Rutland Times to publish the 
findings, he only received a slap on the wrist because 
unlike criminal cases Standards for England don't take into
consideration the 15 previous complaints made against him.

I have no regrets publishing these photographs 
and I am pleased to say their despicable behaviour
since has made me a stronger person.