Showing posts with label Cllr Roger Begy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cllr Roger Begy. Show all posts

Thursday, October 04, 2012

New Higher Priced Rutland Times Launched Today, Disappointing Relaunch

  New Higher Price RUTLAND TIMES Relaunched 4 Sep  2012  

Today saw the relaunch of the Rutlnd Times selling at a new higher price of 55p

The free gifts promised is a football DVD, yes most annoyingly to the Average Rutland Times Reader
not available in VHS or  Beta Max Format.

The editorial content remains unchanged and there are about three small job adverts.

The Rutland Times leads with a story that first appeared in the news around 10 days ago.

Text content and photographs are framed with the most annoying black or green bars?

I did find the cartoon rather amusing, It refers to a news item from last week.
Tory Leader Roger Begy celebrated 40 years of Oakham Library by cutting a cake. It has a caption that suggests the Tory Leader could be corrupt when he returns overdue library books. Surely Roger would never do such a thing ? ;-)

                          Above written by Martin Brookes                         

If you are a fish and chip fan the paper is worth buying just for the coupon, the buy one get one free Fish and Chip Offer
redeemable at this Fish & Chip Shop in Oakham.


The Rutland Times also failed to take advantage of its own advertising spaces to promote its relaunch, there was also a
noticable lack of publicity at its South Street Office

The New higher priced thinner Rutland Times and the U E F A  The Best of European football
Golden Moments I

One retailer said going by the few copies of the fee DVD they had received sales expectations
were never going to be that high (50)


"Just Slip in those over-due book while I cut the cake"


Friday, September 23, 2011

Photographs Archives, Oakham Town Council, Rutland County Council, Inspector Monks

Photographs Archives, Oakham  Town Council, Rutland County Council, Inspector Monks Leicestershire Police.

I often look through my photograph archives its most enjoyable. Although there are some like these that remind me of the start of the bullying I have been subjected to by the above.

The local Tory Bullies and their hangers on.

The First photograph shows former Conservative Oakham Town Councillor and Mayor Jan Fillingham MBE in the Rutland Times and telling us all off for drinking in public.

After the publication of that and the following two images my Flickr accounts was deleted. Rutland County Council later  admitted they had contacted Flickr.

The ongoing harassment I have endured was supported by Inspector Monks.

Text read: Mrs Fillingham is particularly keen to promote the alcohol designation order which bans people from drinking in public places as she feels it has been forgotten by young people and adults.

If this was true then why was she and fellow councillor Sue Tyers often seen boozing in the park?

It was normal for Councillors to knock back a bottle
of wine at most events and they ask me why I call
them drunks and quite frankly hypocrites
possibly why Mrs Tyer went on to be photographing dropping her
knickers in public.

Then I came across this one The big bully Leader of them all 
Rutland County Councils Conservative Leader Roger Begy OBE
Photographed when he publicly showed his true self
towards a female member of the public that resulted
in a standards complaint be made he was found guilty
it took months to get the Rutland Times to publish the 
findings, he only received a slap on the wrist because 
unlike criminal cases Standards for England don't take into
consideration the 15 previous complaints made against him.

I have no regrets publishing these photographs 
and I am pleased to say their despicable behaviour
since has made me a stronger person.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Cllr Terry King, Rutland County Council Deputy Leader?

I sent the following email to a small list of people, the list included Cllr Terry king Deputy leader of Rutland County Council. 

(Its rather scary this man runs the finances and assists Roger Begy OBE run our County. Runs the finances is of course a joke he can find £1,000,000 with no questions to answer.)

They are both old style Conservative Thugs and Bullies. 

Sent: Tue Aug 23 11:31:08 2011

I noticed yesterday David Burton (Oakytaxidriver) has changed his facebook user name to David Barton.

Is this his real name or is he trying to cause more issues? A google search of the new name brings up a person connected to
Cllr Kings Business.  Its clear to me this vile individual must be known by some one at the council.


Martin Brookes
After sending the email I received a number of threatening emails from his Council secure email address and his company.
Amongst his email threats he calls me strange and states I am bottom of his list when it comes to respect.
Here are two of his responses to my email. I can't see what I have written fits what he is saying or justifies his continued threats. This is how Rutland County Council treats you if you speak out about them or the Town Council and it appears how ever many complaints I or others make nothing ever changes. 

Mr Brookes
I would suggest you withdraw your prior email immediately as I nor any business I am connected with has anyone by the name Burton. I will ask you to show me your proof, even if it is a google search, but I suspect as usual you will decline.

Your record of wild accusations is well known and documented and will eventually lead to you facing legal challenge. I will treat this latest one as another piece of evidence.

T King

The email from his company address was  quite odd because I clearly had not mentioned his company in any e-mail
Mr Brookes
I refer to correspondence and the allegations, inferences and inaccurate statements you appear to making against Directors of this company. For the avoidance of doubt we wish to make it clear that if any of the claims or inferences which are without substantiated proof that you appear to be passing to third parties in anyway effect, damage or have any other impact on the commercial standing of this company or an associated companies or businesses we will commence legal action to claim damages. Such damage could include, but is not limited to a loss of, profit, sales, employment, credit rating, contracts, and any other general commercial damage which result from such actions.
For and on behalf of
Belvoir Associates Ltd
51 Pillings Road
LE15 6QF

Later that evening I checked the Originating email IP address's and to my surprise I find the Deputy Leader of Rutland County Council Cllr Terry King had attempted to hide his ID by using a German Proxy Server. The same proxy server frequently used by a unknown person to post Homophobic and comments of a sexual nature on this blog. 

I decided to confront Mr King about this find, I told him in the presence of The Leader of the Council Roger Begy what I had found out. Roger Begy Called me a idiot. I asked to speak to Cllr King outside the council chamber with a witness present he suggested Cllr Begy I declined that offer and asked Cllr Richard Gale who was happy to witness the conversation and threats from Cllr Terry King.

I told Mr King he would no longer intimidate me. He constantly referred to me as Brookes "Brookes shut up" 

Cllr Gale was very helpful and kept me calm although nothing was achieved I had a witness to the disgusting behaviour of Cllr King. Not that there is any point in complaining.

I am wondering if Cllr King is responsible for the vile  letters addressed and sent to Brookes or Paedophile? Proxy servers were used after I traced one comment to the Councils own server orinating from the Council Chamber. 

One letter contained a marked document handed to the council back at the May elections.
It appears Cllr Gale has since been questioned about my blog in which I inform the public he and four other Councillor have called in the police to investigate the council and its planning corruption.
Cllr Gale has responded to Mr Pook's letter and given a clear statement of Tuesday evenings events and confirms he and others are seeking assistance from the police. I suggest he does not go to Oakham Police Station Cllr King has clearly corrupted them. This may change now his mate Johnny has been moved.

I often wonder is this normal in political life?!

From:Richard Gale (regal_48@yahoo.co.uk)
Sent:28 August 2011 07:45:19
To: Geoffrey Pook (gpook@rutland.gcsx.gov.uk)
Cc: martinjbrookes@hotmail.com (martinjbrookes@hotmail.com)
Dear Mr.Pook
In your letter to me dated 26th August 2011 you refer to a blog by Mr.Martin Brookes that refers to me. Let me answer as best I can. I do not read blogs but a friend has forward the blog I think you refer to.
Mr.Brookes approached me on Tuesday evening just before the DC meeting started, asking me to witness a meeting with himself and Cllr.Terry King, who I understood had asked him outside. I followed him into the entrance hall by the Council Chamber where Cllr.King was waiting. Cllr.King verbally set about Mr.Brookes concerning an email and what I understood was an accusation by Mr.Brookes about either Cllr.King or a director in the same company as Cllr.King.
Cllr.King repeatedly shouted at Mr.Brookes, "shut up Brookes. This caused Mr.Brookes to raise his voice saying he was trying to explain the situation. Again Cllr.King shouted "shut up Brookes". I said to Mr.Brookes, who had asked me to be there, he would only win his point if he calmed down. I could not understand why Cllr.King continued to shout at Mr.Brookes threatening to call the Police and get his solicitors involved. He walked back into the Council Chamber and I recall that Mr.Brookes said something like it was him that should be calling the Police.
Due to the unexplainable behaviour of Councillor King I must have said to Mr.Brookes while going back into the Counncil Chambor that I and others were asking for the assistance of the police too. I certainly did not go into any detail.
Later, several other people asked me about the King, Begy, Brookes arguement. I had not seen any involvement by Mr.Begy but I am told that two people had heard Mr.Begy call Mr.Brookes and idiot. This was before I was asked to accompany Mr.Brookes into the front hallway. I don't think I can add any more other than that Mr.Brookes approached me later after the meeting saying how frustrated he was that neither the Council nor the Police seem to want to address the complaints Mr.Brookes had made previously. On the strength of what I saw and hear, I can not imagine why not
Cllr.Richard Gale.

 The behaviour of Roger Begy and his team  clearly shows they have a lot to hide, but as to date I can't put my finger on it.  

I wish Cllr Gale and others good luck with the police.