Showing posts with label Cllr Terry King. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cllr Terry King. Show all posts

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Cllr Richardson, Rutland Council operates as a Cabal, Rutland Anti Corruption, Cllr Terry King, Cllr Edward Baines

For those who may follow our Blogs, you will be interested to know that at the Full Council Meeting this week Councillor Baines asked a question to explain the facts I had raised in the Letter to the Editor I wrote, the question was addressed to Councillor King to respond.
I have repeatedly said that Councillors must base their judgement on fact. Those facts should normally be presented fully and clearly in Council Reports, or be readily available for Councillors to see in Records and Minutes of Meetings etc. These facts should also be first fully analysed in detail by Scrutiny, before any far reaching decision is taken by Councillors.
I have also said that we, as a Group, will only report known facts that we have researched or obtained through Freedom of Information requests where required. As far as we are concerned, such information should be made readily available for members of the public for them to also form a clear opinion and understand the decisions being taken.
In his reply on Monday, Councillor King attempted to address the areas I had raised whereby I stated that Rutland Council could have saved huge sums of money, running into Millions. Sadly, practically everything he related was not a reflection of the facts.
One of the problems faced by Councillors is in confirming what Councillor King states, since in every major Asset Disposal and major Capital Project, it has been solely in the hands of Councillor King. There would of course be no problem with this if there was a clear paper trail, with Reports and clearly recorded Minutes for all to see, in fact this is essential, since, if Councillor King were unable to fulfil his role as a Councillor then anyone should be able to step in and fully familiarise themselves with the situation. (You will find that when I Chaired the “Future Provision for Social Services Working Group”, we had a fortnightly meeting which was fully Minuted and made available for all to see, including the public, we also fulfilled this project without employing a single Consultant or Project Manager.)
Most of the major Capital Projects, asset disposals and planning decisions have taken place in Councillor Gale’s Ward, yet, as we have reported, Councillor Gale has been totally excluded from being involved in any capacity and has been refused access to see any of the Reports, Files or Minutes. This can only suggest one of two things, either those Reports/Minutes/Files do not exist or for some reason those involved do not wish Councillor Gale to be fully appraised of just what is taking place.
Through Freedom of Information requests surrounding these projects, information has been found that has NOT been reported to Councillors or Council, very important and essential information for Councillors to make a proper decision, especially when it involves so much money. In fact, some of this information clearly contradicts what Councillor King has stated
It is choice, therefore, that Councillor Baines should ask his question to be addressed by Councillor King yet does not first contact me or ask to meet with me to explain the facts behind what I had written. If he chooses to ask for such an explanation we are fully prepared to present it to him. Perhaps then Councillor Baines will choose his words more carefully when trying to so abusively denigrate us in Council.
However, one of the main problems we have is that this dialogue should not be taking place at all, since all the facts, files, Minutes and records of meetings etc. should be readily available for all to see, including the public. It should not be us as Councillors who have to do all this detailed research. Furthermore, if Councillor Baines is unclear as to the facts he should be doing his own research, unless of course he is fully appraised of just what is going on whilst others haven’t a clue. People have repeatedly said that Rutland Council operates as a Cabal and I have found nothing to suggest otherwise.

Thursday, October 04, 2012

Tory Deputy Leader, Cllr Terry King, Rutland County Council, Reported to Police for assaulting another Councillor

Tory Deputy Leader of Rutland County Council Left

Last week I reported  an incident that happened  at Rutland County Council after a meeting.

Today it has been confirmed the Deputy Leader of Rutland County Council, has been reported to the
police for an alleged assault.

It is alleged that Terry King assaulted another Councillor in the Council Car Park, he also accused that councillor and two others with feeding my blog with information.

Good to see Tory Mr King is showing his true colours once more.

Now that Leicestershire Police appear to be taking a different approach towards those who make 
complaints against Tory Bullies like Cllr King, I am considering making an additional complaint, the Standards Committee at Rutland County of which Cllr Terry King rather oddly is a member. approved his assault against me. This was witnessed by another Rutland County Councillor and it would seem the committee ignored his written account of what was disgraceful conduct towards a member of the public.

At the time I did not make a report to the police because I was aware of Cllr Kings very close relationship
with Inspector Monks now longer based in Rutland.

This afternoon I telephoned Rutland County Council for a comment and they responded by saying they won't  be making any comment

I telephoned Rutland and Melton Conservative Association, The nice lady on the end of the phone said she
knew nothing.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Cllr Terry King, Rutland County Council Deputy Leader?

I sent the following email to a small list of people, the list included Cllr Terry king Deputy leader of Rutland County Council. 

(Its rather scary this man runs the finances and assists Roger Begy OBE run our County. Runs the finances is of course a joke he can find £1,000,000 with no questions to answer.)

They are both old style Conservative Thugs and Bullies. 

Sent: Tue Aug 23 11:31:08 2011

I noticed yesterday David Burton (Oakytaxidriver) has changed his facebook user name to David Barton.

Is this his real name or is he trying to cause more issues? A google search of the new name brings up a person connected to
Cllr Kings Business.  Its clear to me this vile individual must be known by some one at the council.


Martin Brookes
After sending the email I received a number of threatening emails from his Council secure email address and his company.
Amongst his email threats he calls me strange and states I am bottom of his list when it comes to respect.
Here are two of his responses to my email. I can't see what I have written fits what he is saying or justifies his continued threats. This is how Rutland County Council treats you if you speak out about them or the Town Council and it appears how ever many complaints I or others make nothing ever changes. 

Mr Brookes
I would suggest you withdraw your prior email immediately as I nor any business I am connected with has anyone by the name Burton. I will ask you to show me your proof, even if it is a google search, but I suspect as usual you will decline.

Your record of wild accusations is well known and documented and will eventually lead to you facing legal challenge. I will treat this latest one as another piece of evidence.

T King

The email from his company address was  quite odd because I clearly had not mentioned his company in any e-mail
Mr Brookes
I refer to correspondence and the allegations, inferences and inaccurate statements you appear to making against Directors of this company. For the avoidance of doubt we wish to make it clear that if any of the claims or inferences which are without substantiated proof that you appear to be passing to third parties in anyway effect, damage or have any other impact on the commercial standing of this company or an associated companies or businesses we will commence legal action to claim damages. Such damage could include, but is not limited to a loss of, profit, sales, employment, credit rating, contracts, and any other general commercial damage which result from such actions.
For and on behalf of
Belvoir Associates Ltd
51 Pillings Road
LE15 6QF

Later that evening I checked the Originating email IP address's and to my surprise I find the Deputy Leader of Rutland County Council Cllr Terry King had attempted to hide his ID by using a German Proxy Server. The same proxy server frequently used by a unknown person to post Homophobic and comments of a sexual nature on this blog. 

I decided to confront Mr King about this find, I told him in the presence of The Leader of the Council Roger Begy what I had found out. Roger Begy Called me a idiot. I asked to speak to Cllr King outside the council chamber with a witness present he suggested Cllr Begy I declined that offer and asked Cllr Richard Gale who was happy to witness the conversation and threats from Cllr Terry King.

I told Mr King he would no longer intimidate me. He constantly referred to me as Brookes "Brookes shut up" 

Cllr Gale was very helpful and kept me calm although nothing was achieved I had a witness to the disgusting behaviour of Cllr King. Not that there is any point in complaining.

I am wondering if Cllr King is responsible for the vile  letters addressed and sent to Brookes or Paedophile? Proxy servers were used after I traced one comment to the Councils own server orinating from the Council Chamber. 

One letter contained a marked document handed to the council back at the May elections.
It appears Cllr Gale has since been questioned about my blog in which I inform the public he and four other Councillor have called in the police to investigate the council and its planning corruption.
Cllr Gale has responded to Mr Pook's letter and given a clear statement of Tuesday evenings events and confirms he and others are seeking assistance from the police. I suggest he does not go to Oakham Police Station Cllr King has clearly corrupted them. This may change now his mate Johnny has been moved.

I often wonder is this normal in political life?!

From:Richard Gale (regal_48@yahoo.co.uk)
Sent:28 August 2011 07:45:19
To: Geoffrey Pook (gpook@rutland.gcsx.gov.uk)
Cc: martinjbrookes@hotmail.com (martinjbrookes@hotmail.com)
Dear Mr.Pook
In your letter to me dated 26th August 2011 you refer to a blog by Mr.Martin Brookes that refers to me. Let me answer as best I can. I do not read blogs but a friend has forward the blog I think you refer to.
Mr.Brookes approached me on Tuesday evening just before the DC meeting started, asking me to witness a meeting with himself and Cllr.Terry King, who I understood had asked him outside. I followed him into the entrance hall by the Council Chamber where Cllr.King was waiting. Cllr.King verbally set about Mr.Brookes concerning an email and what I understood was an accusation by Mr.Brookes about either Cllr.King or a director in the same company as Cllr.King.
Cllr.King repeatedly shouted at Mr.Brookes, "shut up Brookes. This caused Mr.Brookes to raise his voice saying he was trying to explain the situation. Again Cllr.King shouted "shut up Brookes". I said to Mr.Brookes, who had asked me to be there, he would only win his point if he calmed down. I could not understand why Cllr.King continued to shout at Mr.Brookes threatening to call the Police and get his solicitors involved. He walked back into the Council Chamber and I recall that Mr.Brookes said something like it was him that should be calling the Police.
Due to the unexplainable behaviour of Councillor King I must have said to Mr.Brookes while going back into the Counncil Chambor that I and others were asking for the assistance of the police too. I certainly did not go into any detail.
Later, several other people asked me about the King, Begy, Brookes arguement. I had not seen any involvement by Mr.Begy but I am told that two people had heard Mr.Begy call Mr.Brookes and idiot. This was before I was asked to accompany Mr.Brookes into the front hallway. I don't think I can add any more other than that Mr.Brookes approached me later after the meeting saying how frustrated he was that neither the Council nor the Police seem to want to address the complaints Mr.Brookes had made previously. On the strength of what I saw and hear, I can not imagine why not
Cllr.Richard Gale.

 The behaviour of Roger Begy and his team  clearly shows they have a lot to hide, but as to date I can't put my finger on it.  

I wish Cllr Gale and others good luck with the police. 


Friday, March 18, 2011

Barleythorpe Hall Rutland Mr Terry C King (Conservative) - EXTON WARD (Deputy Leader of the Council)

Mr Terry C King (Conservative) - EXTON WARD (Deputy Leader of Rutland County Council) has rather disgracefully suggested it would be possible to demolish more of Rutland's Heritage.

They Council is planning to once again attempt to flog of Barlythorpe Hall and Cllr King said there should not be to many restrictions attached to the sale.

Hurry up English Heritage why is this fine building not listed?

The Council wants tourists to visit Rutland, what is there left for them to visit?

Barleythorpe Hall was a home of Lord Lonsdale, He was known as the Yellow Earl for his penchant for the colour. He was a founder and first president of the Automobile Association (AA) which adopted his livery.