Thursday, September 15, 2011

The Queens Golden Jubilee 2012, Oakham, Rutland

Last night Oakham Town Council awarded £5,000 for The Queens Golden Jubilee Celebrations here in Oakham 2012.

A small working group is planning an event in Cutts Close no details have been given so far as to what these public celebrations will include.

The working group asked leader Deputy Mayor Cllr Charles Haworth asked  for £5,000 stating it would come from next years budget although this has not yet been set by the Town Council. He said he hoped the money will be matched by local sponsors.

The Town Clerk told me the Town Partnership has a large sum of money unspent given by the Town Council so maybe that would be a good starting point for sponsorship.

Whatever happens I hope it will be a successful fun event for all.

I hope it wont be tainted like this years Royal Wedding Celebration attended by many drunken local dignitaries.

It was good to see reading the Rutland Times Uppingham Town Council is to consult its residents and ask them how they would like to celebrate.