Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Cllr Martin Brookes, Oakham Town Council, Tribunal final findings

  1. The Respondent’s actions have had the effect of damaging the reputation of the Council as a whole as well as the Respondent’s own office of Town Councillor. There is no indication that the Respondent has shown any sign of understanding the standards set by the Code of Conduct despite his agreeing to follow the provisions of that Code. The Tribunal can see no alternative to disqualifying him from being a member of the Town Council, and any other local authority. The Tribunal has decided that the period of disqualification should be two years. That period will allow the particular Town Council to move to a more normal way of operating and will also allow the Respondent time to reflect on the standards which are expected of those in Public Life. 

    Reflect yes I should remember it is acceptable for a Councillor Deputy Mayor to swear in public and I have learnt its acceptable for Cllrs Beggy, King, Lucas and Lowe to forget the rules of respect when it suit them.
    I expect the council to return to its secretive mode. by this I mean when they discuss matters they will leave out important details so I can not report the full facts as they did last year.

    I am not going to knock the Judge but I will say the tribunal is a very unfair system . Standards for England have tax payers money to fund solicitors and barrister.

    I am not sure if I will appeal I am very mindful of what this has cost the tax payers 
    Since that first day I became a Councillor and The Town Clerk Richard White told me Paul Beech had visited him and asked what he was going to get rid off me.
    Before  his chums take the champagne of the ice take a moment to think about the harm all this has caused local people.
    A photography business gone and the woman at the Rutland Times who told me today she might lose her job and the man from a employment services company run into difficulties with his employer
     What has been achieved? nothing, I will still attend and report on meetings and expose this costly egotistic council.
    Within a short time of telling the Police Council, the Rutland Times and Rutland Radio of my disqualification two tweeters were busy tweeting the news and the Council says they don't know who these homophobic people are?
    I am now pleased I won't have to support ex Cllr Kelly at next Wednesday's meeting, I agree with the letter writer he is nasty and I hope the tennis club stick a light on the roof of his house!  Because like his chums he is a bully..
    I don't wish anyone ill, I do remember Cllr Charles Harworth  Deputy Mayor referring to some of the peoples ages and saying don't worry they are all old and will be dead soon. He is really quite vile cold callous person. Now Beech and his chums have achieved their goal maybe they will dispense of him.