Thursday, November 03, 2011

Councillor Broke Code of Conduct Rutland Times

Councillor Broke Code of Conduct Rutland Times

Rutland Times not being biased published this article today.

I don't mind the public knowing the findings of the tribunal, but they should have waited until the final findings.
The monitoring officer Mr Pook, Rutland County Council was trying to make contact with Standards for England, because the deputy editor said they had given the paper the story. Not the normal actions of Standards for England if true.

I provided Mr Pook with a copy as he said it was impossible to get hold of a copy at council offices, not normal for the Rutland Times. It appears the Rutland Times has caused a great deal of excitement amongst the Conservative enemy, so sad if not pathetic or should I say ludicrous a description used by our Conservative MP in the same paper when talking about Liberal Democrats, he would not breach standards so it must be OK.

The are two points I am not happy with.

1. They say I attacked the town Clerk not true. The Judge said I did not bully but lacked respect.

2. They group all the rejected complaints (accept one) and say they were rejected because I was not acting in my official capacity, wrongly giving the impression all those complaints would have been upheld if I was acting in my official capacity.

The Newsagent said they have hung drawn and quartered you.

My employment advisor said "If I did not know you I would think you were a monster"!

During my time as a Councillor I have not lied and only acted for the benefit of the tax payer and hopefully will continue to do so and I guess people there will still be attempts made to stop me.

I apologised to Cllr Alf Dewis for publishing Gordon Sheasby's email attacking his daughter. He has since wrote to me and a number of people saying he does not accept the apology and retracted his acceptance.

That maybe because he and two other councillors breached the code of conduct for not declaring an interest when Oakham Town Council awarded the Town Partnership cash two weeks ago, he and the other two Councillors are members of the Town Partnership.

Although a Standards complaint has been raised against two of the Councillors the Council is going to revoke a standing order next week, to revoke the previous decision and then those members will declare a interest and leave. I hope Cllr Haworth has noted the Solicitors advice and does not suggest again money is awarded with no conditions and based on trust or tradition as stated by Cllr Dodds.  The NALC Solicitor said the Council must not give grants to any organisation without attaching conditions.

I don't apologise to anyone else, I clearly rattle the Council by carrying out my duties as a councillor and of course speaking out of turn.Unfortunately, I say it as it is. There has been times I have not been proud when I have lowered myself to the same level as some councillors and ex councillors. Of course I have never lowered myself to lowest of the low and sworn at any of them in public like our deputy Mayor Cllr Haworth did in Tesco last month. Respect is banded about I was always told people earn respect.