Wednesday, November 02, 2011

Oakham North West, Awarded, Government’s Community First Neighbourhood Matched Fund

Oakham North West

Local residents are being urged to come forward and help form a committee that will allocate £17,000 of government grant funding.

Oakham North West ward (roughly the area north of the railway line between Braunston Road and Cold Overton Road) has been chosen to receive the money from the Government’s Community First fund.
Councillors Richard Gale and Mark Woodcock, who both represent Oakham North West ward on the County Council, will be working with their Town Council colleagues to assist residents with developing a community plan for the ward.

Mark Woodcock 
Councillor Woodcock commented: “We’re looking for local people to form the committee that will help develop a vision for Oakham North West and how this funding could be used to help deliver it.  Ideally, we’d like around half a dozen people who will review the needs of the ward and identify funding needs.  If you are interested in being part of this committee then please contact either myself or Councillor Richard Gale.”

Richard Gale 
 Councillor Gale added: “This funding has been allocated to Oakham North West ward and it’s up to local people to decide local priorities.  Once the committee is established, I would encourage members of the community to get involved as much as possible with developing the community plan.  I’m sure the committee will welcome input from across the Oakham NW ward and I look forward to hearing about some new and fresh ideas.”

Oakham North West ward has been allocated a total of £16,955 from the Government’s ‘Community First Neighbourhood Matched Fund’.

Any successful project will have to contribute the same amount of money as the grant funding – but this can be done through donations of cash, services, free products or volunteer time.

If you are interested in being part of the panel that allocates funding, please contact either

Councillor Richard Gale - 01572 757 770 or rgale@rutland.gov.uk
Councillor Mark Woodcock – 01572 755 814 or mwoodcock@rutland.gov.uk