Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Oakham Town Council, Rutland County Council Standards

Rutland County Council Standards

Dear Sir

Re: Oakham Town Council Planning and Parks Meeting 23rd November 2011

I wish to raise the following standard complaints against Oakham Town Council members as listed

Cllr John Nowell Chairman

showed a lack of respect at public deputations, he refused my right to speak in accordance with procedures laid down in Standing Order 1(d) - 1 (i)

He said because I was not a member of the Tennis Club or a effected nearby resident I could not speak about item 8 on the agenda
Oakham Lawns Tennis Club

As a Oakham resident the local government act allows me to make a deputation on any item listed on the agenda.

The meeting was attended by a large number of other members of the public and this caused me a great deal of  embarrassment.

Cllr Joyce Lucas Mayor

Durring the public deputations at the same meeting  Cllr Lucas sat laughing at me, she only stopped when I said its fine Cllr Lucas you can laugh. Cllr Lucas showed no respect as required by the code of conduct.

Cllr R Guthrie

Cllr Guthrie failed to declare an interest.

He is a resides in Stamford Road and failed to declare a personal interest when the Council considered planning application

Cllr R Guthrie

When considering Planning Application APP/2011/0734/APB (HSE) Cllr Guthrie asked the clerk if the applicant Mr Robertson was fat.
The size of a application is not a planning consideration

Cllr Charles Haworth Deputy Mayor and Cllr John Nowell Chairman

A member of the public interrupted at item 8 the express her disapproval of Cllr Haworth's conduct at the meeting.
Cllr John Nowell was very dismissif and showed this lacked the respect the public should expect.
How long have we got to put with the foul mouthed obnoxious Cllr Haworth as our Deputy Mayor?


Martin Brookes