Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Oakham Town Council Meeting 14th December 2011 Report

Oakham Town Council
Victoria Hall, 39 High Street,
Oakham, Rutland, LE15 6AH
Telephone: 01572 723627 Fax: 01572 759395
e-mail: enquiries@oakhamtowncouncil.gov.uk


I was surprised to see Councillor Haworth still thinks he is fit to be the deputy mayor
one day people will see through him.

The Mayor greeted me a complete contrast to the behaviour of her and the deputy on Monday.

The council chamber look a little festive the many picture were draped with tinsel two poinsettias
had been purchased, one on the small table and another in front of Cllr Charles Haworth
The Mayor was wearing a very nice festive red top along with the shiny gold of her chain she
would have looked fine if placed on top of the Christmas tree if they had one.

The mayor opened the meeting and there was an immediate panic "I have no pen!"

The council received apologies for absence from Cllr Chris Hopkin

Members were asked to declare any interest they may have in respect to items on the

Cllr Maureen Dodds declared on the Victoria Hall Planning Application

Cllr Adam Lowe declared on three applications

After an amendment was agreed to remove my name as attending as a Cllr? the councillors confirmed the minutes of the meeting of Oakham Town Council held on Wednesday 7th December 2011

There were no councillors questions or outstanding items from the previous meeting


Fortunately the Chairman decided not to report on all 34 functions attended since the last meeting.

Councillor Alf Dewis, reported on the meeting of The Oakham Town Partnership.

The west end of the town was the main topic again, they are proposing traffic changes such as
a one way system and the pedestrianisation of the high street.

Changes to the Cold Overton Road junction layout.

The most alarming proposal was changes in Brook Road that could see the
loss of allotments I am not sure that will get much public support.

He said there will be public consultation

He said this would be funded by 106 payments

I can see the public concern on Oakham People about this unelected group
it surprises me it can organise such large projects and attract 106 payments
something this pointless council should be doing.

He went on to tell the Council, funding and adminstrative support had been
withdrawn by Rutland County Council and the partnership is considering
becoming a limited company.

He then reported on the Rutland County Councils strategic partnership

He reported when the RAF leave in August 2012 and the army will start to move
in and the base will eventually be home for 18 hundred army personal.

They are working on a twenty year vision so the council can strengthen
there position for grant funding.
Once all the new homes are built it expected Oakham will have an extra
4000 people and this raises various issues .

They also looked into improving wheel chair access throughout Oakham
because it is not good.

The Cicle Classic  Race is unlikely to go ahead next year as no one is willing to
sponsor the event, this year the major sponsor was Tesco.

He rushed through the Rutland County County Council plans for the
Queen Diamond Jubilee Celebrations next year.

The will be a civic church service on 13th May 2012 at All Saint Church Oakham

Something like a street party will be held on 3rd June and other events.

4th June there will be a national beacon lighting and all Church's will be peeled

The Lord lieutenant has still to announce his event.

Oakham Town Councillors will be having there own party with Wrinkle Rock in  Cutts Close.

The council received  a very long report from the Clerk

The public could not be bothered to address the council at deputations.

The council considered recommendations from the Staffing Committee and decided to approve recommendations relating to Staff sickness reporting procedures now the staff will have to report and
record sickness

Office opening hours were changed the council is now closed on a friday.

Councillors considered recommendations relating to the following policies and to decided
to approve them
(i) Freedom of Information Requests Policy
(ii) Health and Safety Policy
(iii) Systems of Internal Control 

The council considered and  approved a request to change the dates for the Circus to be in Cutts Close from
March 8th – 11th to March 15th – 18th 2012 inclusive

BUDGET 2012 – 2013
There was no further discussion the issue and the matter was deferred to the meeting of the 11th January 20112


The Council  appointed Cllr Peter Locket  to the Group

TRANSPORT POLICY  Councillor Dewis questioned surely we have already dealt
with this before. Cllr Haworth with pleasure said you are wrong that was school places
This is transport.

Cllr Jane Woodcock questioned would this effect the catchment area and deprive the
children of transport. Cllr Haworth said Rutland County Council is looking to cut every
where so it was bound to be effect some.

Cllr Guthrie who had clearly read the documents said no it is not going to deprive anyone.

The Councillor agreed with Rutland County Councils proposed changes to the wording in the policy

Schedule of Payments for November 2011 were approved

Statement of Accounts to November 30th 2011 were approved after a few questions.

The Clerk said Oakham Fitness Club had only paid £325.50 rent this year and they were
two quarters in arrears. He said the council was seeking legal advice looking at taking back the

Members are asked to decide whether to consider the following applications and to
make recommendations thereon to Rutland County Council OR to agree on an
appropriate scheme of delegation in order that comments can be made

Cllr Dewis spent some time question why these applications were not being considered
at the parks and planning committee (this committee made up by all the same members)
The chairman Cllr Lucas was concerned Cllr Nowell was missing out playing his role
as Chairman. There was point when it looked like member were going to consider defering
The Clerk reminded members Rutland County Council had already granted them an extension
on a number of the applications.

(i) APP/2011/0814/APB Linden Homes Ltd
Crown lift to 4m 4 No. Limes, 2 No. Horse Chestnuts, 1 No. Hornbeam and 1
No. Sycamore
Trees to front of former Catmose College, Cold Overton Road
Cllr Joyce Lucas said "neighbours had requested this work mainly her." 
Members approved the application.

(ii) APP/2011/0869/APB Mrs Louisa Barnett
Prune back canopy of 1 No. Cedar to one side by 2 to 2.5m. Crown lift 1 No.
Cypress to 23ft. Remove branch of 1 No. Ash
16 Catmose Park Road
Many of the Councillors found the applicants drawing highly amusing some Councillor fell 
about laughing out loud very disrespectful if I was the applicant I would have been 
mortified. Despite this the application was approved.

(iii) APP/2011/0811/PG Mr Tim Shears
Construction of two storey extension to rear (north) elevation of
49 High Street

(iv) APP/2011/0812/PG (LBA) Mr Tim Shears
Construction of two storey extension to rear (north) elevation of
49 High Street

(v) APP/2011/0766/PG Mr Paul Withey
Construction of single storey extension to rear (north) of dwellinghouse to
form specialist accommodation and therapy room
1 St Peter’s Close
Approved no comments

(vi) APP/2011/0831/APB Mr Michael Newton
Temporary change of use (for three years) of southern part of unit from
storage warehouse / industrial to indoor sports and leisure (D2) following
expiry of temporary change of use permission FUL/2006/o235, and extension
of same temporary change of use (for three years) of remainder of unit, with
various minor internal alterations
29 Pillings Road
The Clerk told members this is the Vale Judo Club a extremely 
successful club, the club had hoped to move to the Vale of Catmose
site but this had fell through.

Another Councillor said neighbours don't like the user parking nearby
and put notes on cars.

(vii) APP/2011/0832/NH Hawksmead Ltd
Application to vary Condition 10 of outline planning permission reference

Land between Barleythorpe and Oakham Burley Park Way
This one baffled all members and The Clerk said he was not sure what 
it was about it never fails to surprise me the lack of interest this council 
shows towards big projects that effect the town.
Cllr Guthrie agreed with the Clerk it must be a technicality.
Members then approved acceptance.

(viii) APP/2011/0850/APB Victoria Hall Trustees
Change of use to ground floor room from office to mixed use as youth service
base and office
Victoria Hall, 39 High Street
This room is used by Rutwel for people with learning difficulties.
Cllr Jane Woodcock asked has there been any issues.
The Clerk replied a few.

I am aware of an artist complaining to the hall manager about interruptions to her exhibition 
users of the room not making it to the loo and peeing in the gallery. 

(ix) APP/2011/0853/APB Mr Paul Baines (Taylor and Baines Ltd)
Alterations to signage to include installation of 1 No. non-illuminated fascia
sign to front (north) elevation and 1 No. replacement non-illuminated fascia
sign to side (east) elevation
26 Northgate
Approved Quickly

(x) APP/2011/0829/NH Mr D Cox
Retrospective application for change of use from agricultural land to Builder’s
Westward Cold Overton Road
Cllr Maureen Dodds asked is this the Contentious application Councillor Joyce Lucas
and the Clerk replied yes.
The Mayor Joyce Lucas went on say the site is a disgrace.
Cllr AlfDewis raised traffic issues
Cllr Peter Locket said Mr Cox has an "ulterior motive"  (A defamatory statement)
Cllr Dodds said there is a builder yard near my home its horrible
The member rejected the application

(xi) APP/2011/0849/NT Mrs Kate Rosillo
Construction of ground floor extension to side (west) elevation of dwelling
and single storey garden room extension to rear(north) elevation.
(Resubmission of APP/2011/0600)
21 Harrington Way
The Clerk who lives in this road told member he could not see any issue
with this application. There was no debate and the application was approved.
(the Clerk is constantly remind he is not lawfully required to give his opion
on planning matters he sometimes forgets I don't think is wise to forget
when the applicant lives in your small close.

(xii) APP/2011/0822/APB Mr A Nelson
Relocation of existing access
Glebe Farm Cold Overton Road
This application was quickly approved

The mayor closed the meeting Cllr John Nowell assisted her record the time.

Some councillors quickly departed and Cllr Haworth checked all external doors were
secure and a private meeting was conducted. I await the notes from that meeting.