Monday, December 19, 2011

Oakham Town Council, Photographs and the £20,000 Claim

Oakham Town Council, Photographs and the  £20,000 Claim

I was surprised to receive a telephone call from Oakham Town Council today.

Requesting some of my photographs.

I refused to supply the images requested.

People connected to this council have spent years obstructing my photography hobby.

After the recent conduct of the foul mouthed Deputy Mayor Charles Haworth I am surprised
they have the cheek to even ask!

The Assistant Clerk has expressed her disappointment. Stating the photographs would have
assisted a company make a claim on behalf of the council in respect of a piece damaged equipment
that cost the council £20,000.

Most people in Oakham don''t appear to care how this council spends or loses its money so
why should I?

I have said once Cllrs Haworth, Dewis and Lucas depart the Council, I would consider further
requests from the council to use photographs from my 10,000 + data base of local snaps.

In the past I have provided images for projects like the Green Flag Application, only for petty Councillors
ordering there removal from the documents.