Saturday, December 17, 2011

Rutland County Council Winter Gritting Cutting Costs

Rutland County Council Winter Gritting Cutting Costs

Oakham Town Council received a letter from Rutland County Highways

The Clerk at Oakham Town Council told members, In  essence grit bins will continue to be filled free of charge over the coming winter but from 2012/2013 only the first three refills will be free. After that the Town Council will be charged £50 per bin per fill. There are 14 bins that the Clerk is aware of in Oakham which have been installed in recent years. However, there may well be others that were installed before his time. As can be seen it will not take too many fills after the first three to see costs increase next winter.

Many of Councillor expressed a distrust of Rutland County Council and questioned who would monitor them.

It does not surprise me they don't trust Rutland County Council often those who don't be trust, can't be trusted.

It does concern me, how Oakham Town Council be able to budget for this increased cost? which could be quite large if the weather is bad. I  also question if Rutland County Council can legally force Town Councils and Parish Councils to pay these extra bills. Town Councils and Parish Councils are not required to maintain highways.

With Rutland County Council gradually dumping all its responsibilities on parish councils and other county councils claiming this is saving money the Rutland tax payer surely should be benefiting from a closing down sale or  reduction of the council tax bill next year.

If town councils and parish councils are expected to keep paying more to Rutland County Council they will surely have to raise the parish precepts to pay Which in turn will suit the Conservative Council as I am sure they will blame the parish councils for any future increase in council tax bills.


Dear Clerk

Changes: 2012/2013 Winter Maintenance Season

In previous years salt bins in Rutland have been filled free of charge, subject to available labour and salt, after
significant snow or when they are reported as empty.

It was decided at Formal Cabinet on 1st November 2011 that, during the winter season 2012/13, salt bins will only be filled 3 times free of charge, after which Parish Councils will be charged for each subsequent refill at a rate of £50 per bin.

To order a refill the Parish Clerk should e-mail highways@rutland.gov.uk stating the bins location, this will then be entered onto the recording database to ensure accurate records are kept. You will receive a confirmation email when refill have been completed.

If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact me.

Kind regards

Rachael Thomas
Contracts Adminstrator
Highways Department