Thursday, January 12, 2012

Greetham Garden Centre Awarded Floral Contract 2012 - 2015 Oakham Town Council a huge 50% saving

Greetham Garden Centre Awarded Floral Contract 2012 - 2015
Oakham Town Council a huge 50% saving Good News For The Tax Payer

When I was a town councillor. I became aware of the very lucrative contracts that were awarded in often a very unsatisfactory fashion. I believe this to be one of the main reasons, I am attacked by anonymous cowards.

One of the contracts that concerned me the most, was the floral contract and the staggering sum paid to a local garden centre.

In 2010 this sum had reach about £16,000

The contract came to an end. The Town Clerk constantly said no one was interested in tendering.

I then learnt one of the directors of the contracting company had previously worked for Oakham Town Council and was known to the current Clerk.

This is disputed by 'Viperone' on www.oakhampeople.com last weekend.

The contract was re- tendered for one year  2011 - 2012

The same contractor placed a bid, this was accepted. The contract price had dramatical reduced to £9029
At the time the Clerk declared an interest he said he was a close associate to one of the directors of the company.

At that time only one other company applied to tender and the current contractor was the cheapest.
A former mayor said it was highly unlikely that the Clerk had made the efforts to find new companies to tender.

Yesterday the Council met in private session, to decide who would be awarded the contract for 2012 -2015

Once again the Clerk declared an interest knowing a director as a close associate.

As the meeting was held in private, I do not know how many tenders were considered. At a previous meeting the Clerk indicated he had received five enquiries. quite a few considering he previous claim of no one would be interested in tendering.

The council has now provided the following information,  I think the outcome speak volumes.
There is a  further huge reduction 50%
On average there are100 baskets and planters

Information Provided by Oakham Town Council:

Oakham Town Council

Floral Displays 2012 - 2015

Greetham Garden Centre

Total Costs for all Planting, erection, dismantling and storage.
all figures excluding VAT (the council claims this back)

2012 - £4593

2013 - £4782

2014 - £4974

2015 - £5169

Last year previous contractor £9029

As you can clearly see even in four years times the cost is still around 50% lower than last year
and 75% cheaper than all the previous years.

Although it had always been my intention to save the local tax payers money the council never
returns the savings to the tax payer and squanders the money on anything else it sees fit.