Thursday, January 12, 2012

Report of Oakham Town Council meeting WEDNESDAY 11TH JANUARY 2012 AT 7.45PM

Report of Oakham Town Council meeting
Victoria Hall, 39 High Street, Oakham, Rutland, LE15 6AH
Telephone: 01572 723627 Fax: 01572 759395
e-mail: enquiries@oakhamtowncouncil.gov.uk


The Mayor Cllr Lucas wished all a Happy New Year.

The Clerk explained clearly to members an error with item no 18 and how this could be rectified.
He also explained how item 19 could be moved forward so members of the public and press did not have to vacate the meeting twice. It all seemed fairly simple as long as the public agreed to the changes all would be fine. As we know all is not straight forward at Oakham Town Council later in the meeting total confusion broke out hindered by Cllr Dewis who clearly only listens when he wants to. He complained to the chairman when I spoke to the clerk to acknowledge I had no problem with the changes. He asked the Chair Joyce Lucas to tell the public to shut up!

1. APOLOGIES there were no absenses.

Members were asked to declare any interest they may have in respect to items on the

Cllr Maureen Dodds Declared P&P interest for item 11 as Chairman of Oakham in Bloom

The Town Clerk Richard White Declared a P&P interest for item 11  as the director of Ashwell Garden Centre is a close associate of his.

MINUTES members confirmed the minutes of the meeting of Oakham Town Council held on
Wednesday 14th December 2011


Chairman reported on functions she has attended.

Cllr Alf Dewis reported on the Town Partnership

He told members Vernon Moore had resigned and he had now been appointed the Chairman
and was expecting a busy year.

He mentioned the partnership was going to solve the towns problems with the towns signs.

He also said there were a lot of events planned for the town and said if members wanted to know
what they were members could ask him.

I now understand why members on www.oakhampeople.com object to this partnership referring to it
as an unelected body.

It is not open and most certainly is not a partnership traders and community groups could learn a lot
from Uppingham First.

CLERK’S REPORT – For information only the Clerk gave a short report.

One deputation from a member of the public thanking the Mayor for the enjoyable carol concert
held in the castle, can't imagine why they did that? Oh! that was me..

Now here is were the meeting fell into total confusion. I wonder would have happened if the public had objected to the amendment of the following: As you can  see the Clerk had ask the Council to Consider the impossible and the simple solution was to vote to scrap item 18 or a resolution to correct and amend it to read 19 not a simple task for Oakham Town Council.

To decide whether to exclude the public and press during consideration of Item 18 on
the agenda under Section 1 (2) of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act
1960 due to the confidential nature of the matters to be discussed.
Once that was sorted I think it was and the debate was complete the following were passed

Items  were moved and the following resolutions agreed:

To decide whether to exclude the public and press during consideration of Item 11 on
the agenda under Section 1 (2) of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act
1960 due to the commercial sensitivity of the matter to be discussed.

To decide whether to exclude the public and press during consideration of Item 19 on
the agenda under Section 1 (2) of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act
1960 due to the confidential nature of the matters to be discussed.

I Can't wait to hear the future debate when it comes to confirm the minutes of the meeting.

At this point I left the Chamber and was followed some 5 minutes later by the clerk and Cllr Maureen Dodds who both declared an interest in the following item.

FLORAL DISPLAYS 2012 - 2015 (Appendices B, B(i), B(ii), B(iii), B(iv) and
To consider tenders submitted and to award the contract for Oakham’s floral displays
for the four year period 2012 – 2015

It is now known the contract has been awarded to Greetham Garden Centre at a 50% saving to the tax payer.

The Clerk and Cllr Dodds returned to the Chamber

Then members decided what to do about the following item.

19. FITNESS CENTRE, PRINCESS AVENUE (Appendix I – To follow)
To discuss various matters relating to the Fitness Centre and to make any decisions as
deemed appropriate

After a period of time the public that's me were called back into the meeting

BUDGET 2012 – 2013

Members  approved the Council’s budget for 2012 – 2013
and set the Precept demand for 2012 – 2013 this remained the same as last year.

members decided to approve:
(i) The Council’s Annual Investment Strategy for 2012 – 2013
(ii) The Financial Risk Assessment for investments for 2012 - 2013

This was led by Cllr Guthrie who seems to know what he is doing the above was agreed
the safeguards the council does not have to comply with because the money is below a set limit
they have decided its wise to adopt the procedures a first for Oakham Town Council.
Something tells me they are not protecting your money, they just ensuring they don't don't lose it so
they don't miss out spending it. Sorry for being so cynical... but it is a little difficult to understand why
they are doing this when they have in the past often failed to comply with things they are required to


(i) To consider quotations for notice boards and to make any decisions

Once again the meeting fell into total confusion. I can't tell you if the members agreed to spend the thousands of pounds on new notice boards. I think Cllr Dodds summed it up when she put her hand up and said I am confused.

(ii) To authorise the purchase of new bunting

After much debate the council decided to spend £700 on bunting looking forwarding to seeing if the
red white and blue arrives and to see how long it takes members to approve who and how much it is going
to cost to put it up in time for the Diamond Jubilee and the Olympic Torch relay.

I was told today this maybe wasted because of security issues the route for the torch has not been finalised
and it may speed through Oakham along the by-pass.

Members approved the new Grant Application Form for the 2012 – 2013 Financial Year it looks
like groups like the Oakham Festival will not just be handed money on a plate in future receipts will
be required along with other strict requirements.

The Council has set a budget of £10,000 for community grants I hope they give it all to good causes

 the Schedule of Payments for the period 1st December
2011 – 3rd January 2012

STATEMENT OF ACCOUNTS were approved the Statement of Accounts to January 3rd 2012

The meeting was closed