Showing posts with label Maritn Brookes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Maritn Brookes. Show all posts

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Report of Oakham Town Council meeting WEDNESDAY 11TH JANUARY 2012 AT 7.45PM

Report of Oakham Town Council meeting
Victoria Hall, 39 High Street, Oakham, Rutland, LE15 6AH
Telephone: 01572 723627 Fax: 01572 759395
e-mail: enquiries@oakhamtowncouncil.gov.uk


The Mayor Cllr Lucas wished all a Happy New Year.

The Clerk explained clearly to members an error with item no 18 and how this could be rectified.
He also explained how item 19 could be moved forward so members of the public and press did not have to vacate the meeting twice. It all seemed fairly simple as long as the public agreed to the changes all would be fine. As we know all is not straight forward at Oakham Town Council later in the meeting total confusion broke out hindered by Cllr Dewis who clearly only listens when he wants to. He complained to the chairman when I spoke to the clerk to acknowledge I had no problem with the changes. He asked the Chair Joyce Lucas to tell the public to shut up!

1. APOLOGIES there were no absenses.

Members were asked to declare any interest they may have in respect to items on the

Cllr Maureen Dodds Declared P&P interest for item 11 as Chairman of Oakham in Bloom

The Town Clerk Richard White Declared a P&P interest for item 11  as the director of Ashwell Garden Centre is a close associate of his.

MINUTES members confirmed the minutes of the meeting of Oakham Town Council held on
Wednesday 14th December 2011


Chairman reported on functions she has attended.

Cllr Alf Dewis reported on the Town Partnership

He told members Vernon Moore had resigned and he had now been appointed the Chairman
and was expecting a busy year.

He mentioned the partnership was going to solve the towns problems with the towns signs.

He also said there were a lot of events planned for the town and said if members wanted to know
what they were members could ask him.

I now understand why members on www.oakhampeople.com object to this partnership referring to it
as an unelected body.

It is not open and most certainly is not a partnership traders and community groups could learn a lot
from Uppingham First.

CLERK’S REPORT – For information only the Clerk gave a short report.

One deputation from a member of the public thanking the Mayor for the enjoyable carol concert
held in the castle, can't imagine why they did that? Oh! that was me..

Now here is were the meeting fell into total confusion. I wonder would have happened if the public had objected to the amendment of the following: As you can  see the Clerk had ask the Council to Consider the impossible and the simple solution was to vote to scrap item 18 or a resolution to correct and amend it to read 19 not a simple task for Oakham Town Council.

To decide whether to exclude the public and press during consideration of Item 18 on
the agenda under Section 1 (2) of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act
1960 due to the confidential nature of the matters to be discussed.
Once that was sorted I think it was and the debate was complete the following were passed

Items  were moved and the following resolutions agreed:

To decide whether to exclude the public and press during consideration of Item 11 on
the agenda under Section 1 (2) of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act
1960 due to the commercial sensitivity of the matter to be discussed.

To decide whether to exclude the public and press during consideration of Item 19 on
the agenda under Section 1 (2) of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act
1960 due to the confidential nature of the matters to be discussed.

I Can't wait to hear the future debate when it comes to confirm the minutes of the meeting.

At this point I left the Chamber and was followed some 5 minutes later by the clerk and Cllr Maureen Dodds who both declared an interest in the following item.

FLORAL DISPLAYS 2012 - 2015 (Appendices B, B(i), B(ii), B(iii), B(iv) and
To consider tenders submitted and to award the contract for Oakham’s floral displays
for the four year period 2012 – 2015

It is now known the contract has been awarded to Greetham Garden Centre at a 50% saving to the tax payer.

The Clerk and Cllr Dodds returned to the Chamber

Then members decided what to do about the following item.

19. FITNESS CENTRE, PRINCESS AVENUE (Appendix I – To follow)
To discuss various matters relating to the Fitness Centre and to make any decisions as
deemed appropriate

After a period of time the public that's me were called back into the meeting

BUDGET 2012 – 2013

Members  approved the Council’s budget for 2012 – 2013
and set the Precept demand for 2012 – 2013 this remained the same as last year.

members decided to approve:
(i) The Council’s Annual Investment Strategy for 2012 – 2013
(ii) The Financial Risk Assessment for investments for 2012 - 2013

This was led by Cllr Guthrie who seems to know what he is doing the above was agreed
the safeguards the council does not have to comply with because the money is below a set limit
they have decided its wise to adopt the procedures a first for Oakham Town Council.
Something tells me they are not protecting your money, they just ensuring they don't don't lose it so
they don't miss out spending it. Sorry for being so cynical... but it is a little difficult to understand why
they are doing this when they have in the past often failed to comply with things they are required to


(i) To consider quotations for notice boards and to make any decisions

Once again the meeting fell into total confusion. I can't tell you if the members agreed to spend the thousands of pounds on new notice boards. I think Cllr Dodds summed it up when she put her hand up and said I am confused.

(ii) To authorise the purchase of new bunting

After much debate the council decided to spend £700 on bunting looking forwarding to seeing if the
red white and blue arrives and to see how long it takes members to approve who and how much it is going
to cost to put it up in time for the Diamond Jubilee and the Olympic Torch relay.

I was told today this maybe wasted because of security issues the route for the torch has not been finalised
and it may speed through Oakham along the by-pass.

Members approved the new Grant Application Form for the 2012 – 2013 Financial Year it looks
like groups like the Oakham Festival will not just be handed money on a plate in future receipts will
be required along with other strict requirements.

The Council has set a budget of £10,000 for community grants I hope they give it all to good causes

 the Schedule of Payments for the period 1st December
2011 – 3rd January 2012

STATEMENT OF ACCOUNTS were approved the Statement of Accounts to January 3rd 2012

The meeting was closed

Saturday, December 31, 2011

Oakham Skate Park? Oakham Town Council

Some months ago the town clerk authorised emergency repairs to the skate park in Cutts Close.

The work started, the clerk went away and in his absence some person(s) at the Town Council authorised
a large payment to the contractor. The same contractor who was offered the choice of a cheque made out
personally to him or his company for earlier work completed, this was also a very large payment. But nothing to worry about because his partner used to work for Rutland County Council and they were having a baby, the partner also used to work with an employee of the town council.

After the second large payment was made in the absence of the clerk just for materials (gold plated screws?) the contractor packed up and went home.

I raised my concern about the  payment at a council meeting, Councillors greeted my concerns with their normal contempt.

I spoke to the Clerk the next day, he said he would have questioned the invoice because it did look expensive for materials and "I am  pleased, I was not working at the time the payment was made "

At next council meeting the Clerk raised the issue as if it was something minor and new. He assured Councillors the work would be completed by the contractor before Christmas. Today is New Years Eve
and the work is not completed.

Never mind! the loss does not equate to much, when you explain it using the Clerks formula. He often likes to divide any cost by the number of tax payers. Then when he talks about the cost of something only costing each taxpayer 50p or £1 I think it makes him feel better.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Jim Harrison Photography Grumpy Jag

For some time now people have been landing at my blog after searching for local Photographer Jim Harrison. Ex Councillor and Mayor of Oakham Town Council.

Earlier this year the delightful Mr Harrison closed down all his sites.

Then along came Grumpyjag? Due to the style of on-line comments on other forums I was sure this was Jim back on-line then came the photographs some appearing in the local press with no credit.

Then the Melton Times published a credit for a Wedding Photograph.

Jim Harrison www.grumpyjag@photoshelter.com

Don't Sue Tyers Ex Mayor is fully dressed on this site.


So if you land here looking for Jim please go to any of the above the links.

Or you might find him in a Berridge taxi, another driver said he is now licensed not sure what they mean 
by that.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Dairy Crest Original / Light Deal Co-op

I watched with interest a programme shown on the BBC, pointing out how the big supermarkets are ripping of or tricking consumers and even confusing them.

One of the things that often came up was how large packets were more expensive than the small packs, often claiming the larger pack was great value. Spreads were shown as an example and this can be found at my local Co-op  a large 1 kg pack of Clover cost £3.99 and two smaller 500g packs can be purchased for £3.00.
Some of the 1kg packs are marked value large pack and the others value family pack. The pack marked Large Value Pack has been produced in a container carefully designed it looks bigger than the family pack.

The said many shoppers don't have time to check out things whilst shopping, I wonder if supermarkets rely on this.

Thursday, December 08, 2011

Handmade Christmas Market, Oakham Castle, Oakham Rutland

Handmade Christmas Market, Oakham Castle, Oakham Rutland

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Potter Mike Dodd’s GOLDMARK Gallery in Uppingham

GOLDMARK Gallery in Uppingham

Mike Dodd’s exhibition until Christmas Eve.

Gallery opening times are Mondays to Saturday, 9.30am to 5.30pm, and Sundays and bank holidays,
2.30pm to 5.30pm.

Admission is free.

www.goldmarkart.com or www.modernpots.com

Ladies Pampered Chef Breast Cancer Fundraiser, Sycamore Harley Davidson, Uppingham

Ladies Pampered Chef Breast Cancer Fundraiser

Wednesday 30 November 19:00 – 19:00
Sycamore Harley Davidson, North Street East, Uppingham (map)
Drinks, nibbles, games and food demonstrations from the Pampered Chef Company, with a chance to try the food afterwards. 
E-mail charlotte.tyers@sycamoremotorcycles.co.uk or call 01572 823 296 if you'd like to go.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Oakham Town Council PLANNING APPLICATIONS 23rd November 2011

All approved

The  council considered the following applications received and passed on comments
and  observations thereon to Rutland County Council:

(i) APP/2011/0734/APB (HSE) Mr M Roberton
Construction of single storey extension to rear (south) elevation of dwellinghouse
17 Irwell Close

Cllr Adam Lowe declared a personal interest knowing the applicant and them be a possible customer of Travis Perkins.

Cllr Guthrie asked how fat Mr Robertson is. not normally a planning consideration?

The Clerk gave his personal opinion about the application.

(ii) APP/2011/0717/PG (HSE) Mr/s P Blunden
Construction of single storey extension to rear (west) elevation, and repositioning of
garden wall and fence (resubmission of application APP/2011/0276)
36 Tolethorpe Close

(iii) APP/2011/0758/APB
Reduce lateral growth of 1 no. Yew Tree by 2 m, and reduce lateral growth to east side of
1 no. Group of Yew trees by 2m
The Lodge Cottage, Stamford Road

At this point Cllr Lucas tree warden made no comment, then a well rehearsed piece of sarcastic theatre was played out. Cllr Haworth Deputy Mayor said are we not going to receive any  expert advice from our tree warden. The Mayor responded by say last time I gave advice you all voted against my advice and I will have you know Rutland County Council approved the destruction of a Willow Tree. I expected her to stick her fingers in her ears and stick her tongue out and say I told you so. She then went onto give advice on the above application and Cllr Haworth thanked her for her expert advice with his normal irritating smirk plastered all over his face.

 (iv) APP/2011/0788/APB Mrs Patricia Moore
Installation of satellite dish to front elevation of dwellinghouse
4 White Lion Gardens St Anne’s Close

The Clerk said he could not understand why the above application was before the council. 
I would suggest it has something to do with the fact these terrace of lovely cottages and within
a conservation area. I think we may find this is rejected by Rutland County Council just like the 
Deli Application in Mill Street was even though its was approved by Oakham Town Council.
I think it is sad Oakham Town Council has little or no interest in preserving the town or protecting
conservation areas.

(v) APP/2011/0781/NT (HSE) Tim Needham
Construction of single storey link building and porch between
existing dwellinghouse
and garage
Grange Farm Uppingham Road

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Oakham Tennis Club, Ex Councillor Alan Kelly, Oakham Town Council

Next Wednesday Oakham Town Council will decide if they will grant the tennis club permission to install floodlights that will disturb there neighbours who live very close.

At my last Council meeting we had to listen to the waffle from the Chairman of the tennis club and a committee member.

He distributed a number of letter in support of the project including the one above. The author say Ex Councillor is a very unpleasant person.

Ex Cllr Kelly is part of the group of current and ex Councillors who have harassed and continue to do that.
tonight they comment on a previous post stating they did all they could to get rid of me.

Now the tennis club is referring to one of their mob as very unpleasant something I agree with surely we cant
all be wrong.

Its about time these vile people are shut up, the public needs to get rid of it apathy and take control of its own councils.

Maybe some of the Barleythorpe Road residents can do the job they took on the apathy and won and now have a very strong residents association to take on Rutland County Council.

Oakham Fitness Centre and Oakham Town Council Proposed Eviction

For some time now Oakham Town Council has had a confidential matter on its agenda relating to the
fitness centre.

Like the Tennis Club and The Bowls Club the previous good Councillors let these properties to their
chums well below market value.

Now the current council has to deal with the mess.

The Fitness Centre in Princess Avenue is leased to a man who now resides in Melton and he sublets or has given away public property to the current operators.

He some times pays the  rent, it has not been uncommon for him to be six months in arrears and for the council not to take action.

The rent is below £2,000 a year, a recent market valuation found it should be £9,000 +

The Clerk said it was not very Christian to take action against the fitness centre.

The lease is due for renewal and the Clerk instructed a Solicitor to renew the lease if the tenant wanted to
renew it. He failed to tell the solicitor the current tenant had no agreement with the council, at first he said this was not an issue, we lost a Solicitor because of his comments and then moved onto a new one. I wrote
to the new Solicitor and told them about the sub tenant. Who has taken the view it does matter and has used the words trespass in communications.

The official lease holder has told the council he does not want to renew the lease.

There was a point when the council were discussing moving their offices to the Princess Road site. 
This was also carried out in secret, hundreds of pounds was spent on surveys and reports. The
council concluded the building was not suitable and it would be to costly to rectify. So in the mean time they will stay in Victoria Hall paying a high rent and the Clerk will have to suffer the noise from upstairs much longer than he thought. They are still looking for an alternative location. Rutland County Council offered premises to close to them, this was to expensive and some Councillors felt it would be wrong if the Town Council was associated with Rutland County Council. I am not sure why because they both have similar bad traits.

The Council is now planning to evict the current fitness centre operator if they don't leave early next year.

Monday, November 07, 2011

Oakham Town Partnership Late Night Christmas Shopping Event and Oakham Town Council

NEXT MEETING OF Oakham Town Council

The next meeting of the Town Council is scheduled for Wednesday 9th November 2011. Please note that the meeting will start at 8.00pm in the Victoria Hall. Please click here for a copy of the agenda.

There is a meeting with The Residents and Tennis Club this starts at 7.00pm 
This is to give both parties the opportunity to give a presentation to the council
regarding proposed floodlighting of the the tennis club.

This presentation is open to the public although not shown on the councils website.

There is one very important item on the agenda. This relates to awarding money to the Oakham Town Partnership.
This is not the first time Councillors have failed to declare interests when awarding money to the partnership. I have raised this issue many times in the past the Clerk has advised members they did not need to declare. But then that is to be expected when you pay so much for unqualified advice, former Mayor Cllr Sharon Spencer said "he constantly gave me the wrong advice"

For many years Cllr Maureen Dodds Chairman of Oakham in Bloom and Oakham Carnival had also failed to declare an interest when money was awarded.

NALC Solicitor has told Oakham Town Council they must attach conditions to all future grant.

The tax payers money can no longer be given away by simply saying "they must be trusted" (Cllr Charles Haworth Deputy Mayor) or "Its tradition" Cllr Maureen Dodds.

We will be asked to consider at the same meeting how we award grants in the future, it is possible the council may set a small sum aside for small local groups, so they are not seen just supporting their close friends at Oakham in Bloom or The Oakham Festival. But don't get excited these small grants are expected to below £300 while the councils friends will still get thousands.

Currently the council will not consider applications from any group accept Oakham in Bloom, CAB and The Oakham Festival. 

(I believe Cllr Alf Dewis also failed to declare a interest when the CAB was awarded £5,000 last year) I have since checked with the Clerk he did declare on that time most likely because Cllr Spencer told him he should.

So after a long battle it looks like there may be a positive change.

I voted against the awarding of funds because no condition were attached and the Town Partnership did not say how they would spend the money. I will vote against again if an award is proposed. Because the Town Clerk who is a member of the  Town Partnership said "they already have a large sum of the councils money stashed in their bank account unspent."

To agree to suspend Standing Order 11(a) in order that Item 12 on the Agenda can be

12. CHRISTMAS 2011
To decide whether to make any financial contribution to the Christmas Late Night
shopping event due to be held on Monday December 12th

(Appendix C)

Item 11 - Suspension of Standing Order 11(a)

This item is included to allow the Council to revisit the decision made at the meeting of October
12th 2011 relating to the allocation of £800 towards the Christmas Late Night Shopping event.

The reason for this is that although the decision did not explicitly state what the funding should
be used for, concern was expressed after the meeting the meeting by Cllr Alf Dewis that both
he and Cllr John Nowell, who are Town Council representatives on the Oakham Town Partnership,
should have declared a Personal and Prejudicial interest in the item.

(This matter was raised by me twice during the meeting and Cllr Alf Dewis in normal Pig Headed 
fashion disagreed, his view was supported by the Deputy Mayor, Chairman Cllr Charles Haworth 
No surprise there!
After the meeting and during, I said I would raise a standards complaint. Financial 
standards are very serious and if the government changes the rules failing to declare on matters
like this will become a criminal offence. Cllr Dewis went away to discuss this complaint with the 
monitoring officer at Rutland County Council a privilege his relationship with that council grants him. 
What concerns me is the total unfair way in which RCC handles Standards complaints, If a complaint is
made against me they refuse to discuss it. 
Cllr Adam Lowes young daughter attended this meeting afterwards she questioned the behaviour and conduct of the Deputy Mayor Councillor Charles Haworth at this meeting, She question why? was he always trying to wind me up. I could give an answer to that but I wont lower myself to his level and therefore incur the tax payer the cost of another standards complaint from him, he is angry a the moment because all his previous complaints were thrown out, in his statement to Standards he said I should be removed from the Council. He shouts foul abuse at me in public, Its clear to me he is unfit to be our Deputy Mayor, The current Mayor Councillor Joyce Lucas has said she feels he is unfit to become Mayor next year as if being deputy one year give you the right to be Mayor the following year.)

The concern was taken was taken up by Cllr Dewis with the Monitoring Officer who confirmed that
because the Christmas Late Night Shopping event is being organised by the Oakham Town Partnership
then those members of the Council who are the Council's representatives on the Partnership should, in
fact, have declared a Personal and Prejudicial interest in the item.. This is because the decision affects the
financial well being of the organisation to which they have been appointed.

In addition to this advice the Monitoring Officer who confirmed that has also stated the Council should consider revisiting the original decision and that those members present who are Town Council representatives
to Oakham Town Partnership should declare a Personal and Prejudicial interest. They are allowed to speak on the item but should leave the room prior to any discussions and vote.

(I ask why when I made Standards Complaints in the past about this same failure to declare Rutland County Council Standard ignored my complaints?
Maybe it has something to do with the fact the legal department at Peterborough City Council now has control of Geoff Pook's old job now? 
Rutland County Council have entertained many unfounded complaints about me, the sole objection of the complaints has to reach the goal of removing me from the Council, some complaints were even on the Clerks desk before I became a Councillor I guess the member of staff from Melton Borough Council is annoyed they were from out by the tribunal)

Monday, October 24, 2011

News From Peterborough City Councils Childrens Services

MP Stewart Jackson officially launches new Voyager Academy
The Voyager School was given approval in principle by the government in March to form an academy trust with Comberton Village College in Cambridgeshire from the start of the new school year. As a result the school will now be known as The Voyager Academy and will specialise in media arts.

Honeyhill Children’s Centre makes positive difference for families
Honeyhill Children’s Centre staff received an Excellence award for their hard work over the past two years to reach more families, improve the quality of services and make a positive difference to families living in Paston and Gunthorpe. One parent said: “My whole life has changed because of this centre.”

Minister of State for Schools opened a new addition to Fulbridge Primary School playground. Find out more here

Plans for new Hampton Primary School have been submitted
Find out more here

Three of the city’s young people were shortlisted for Young People of the Year awards
Find out more here

Plans submitted for new Stanground College
Find out more here

Sunday, October 02, 2011

The Dangers of Photographing Oakham by Inspector Johnny Monks Leicestershire Constabulary

A long, long time ago I made a complaint about Leicestershire Constabulary and its Inspector John Monks so loved by Rutland County Council, Oakham Town Councillors and ex Councillors.

Case ref: CO 454/10 & 26/11

Since 2009 Inspector Monks has listened to a number of complaining bullies. In 2010 I complained about lack of action his officers took against Mr Tyers, when he assaulted and verbally abused me, I standing in the middle of a closed road to photograph the events of the towns remembrance service. Mr Tyers who is married to the drunk knickers dropping ex Councillor Sue Tyers approached me. I complained to Inspector Monks officers and they took Mr Tyers business card and let him carry on his way!

After this Inspector Monks felt I had become a vulnerable person and he says in his statement made to Detective Inspector Barber and Detective Sergeant Eyley, He had cause to request I attend Oakham Police Station in order for him to discuss concerns he had.  In his view I am presenting myself as a vulnerable person. 'Because I Blog on a website' he also said 'This is also compounded at times by the way he conducted himself around Oakham town, such as photographing people going about their daily business' 'Mr Brookes himself could become subject of harassment, or even assault by other members of the public'

So if this is the case why is not the polices job to protect me the law abiding member of the public.

It is not illegal to blog about Councillors or to take photographs in public and it is most certainly not a medical condition.

Inspector Monks either only listens to the Councillors complaints and  lies or he is a liar?

In his statement he says I photographed a Councillor leaving a supermarket with a trolley containing wine. I then published that photograph on my blog saying they have a drink problem. People who often read my blog will know that  is clearly a lie. I photographed a trolley in Tesco full of booze and said it was the second trolley of a councillor who clearly who does have a drink problem and I did not name them. The same councillor also complained to Tesco because I had used my camera instore. Of course since the Guardian saga, Tesco has told BBC Watchdog they have no problem with anyone taking photographs in any of their stores.

My complaint took months to investigate and minutes for Detective Chief Inspector Geoff Brookes to read and say Inspector Monks has no case to answer.

I have subsequently lodged my appeal with the IPCC. Leicestershire Police investigating themselves is a joke.

Councillors and Ex spend most of their time attempting to block my access to events to restrict my blogging and photography, but when their groups mess up they come begging.

I was approached today from a Rutland Group, not the first requesting my photographs for their websites as their own photographs are not good enough. I always and will reply politely, saying in other words that mean get lost.

I hope one day those responsible for exclusion and bullying will realise their actions also effect others....

I will continue to photograph any public local event I can and if there is a misbehaving Councillors or ex, I hope the local police will now deal with them and not ask the new Inspector to call my doctor.

Here is the last big joke from Leicestershire Detective Chief Inspector he signs his letter, which ends

"Improving Confidence Through Raising Standards

Saturday, October 01, 2011

Stamford Cupcake Company, Stamford, Lincolnshire

Stamford Cupcake Company, Stamford, Lincolnshire

Friday, July 29, 2011

Leicester Pride Fundraiser at The Rainbow & Dove Leicester and James's Birthday Photograph

I was invited to attend the Leicester Pride 2011 fund raising event and the owner of the Rainbow Doves Birthday Celebration. As the government had paid for me to attend my first work programme interview I was able to attend for a short time. Public transport in out of Rutland is subject is not very good. Unless you drive you have no chance of a good night out.

According to the no homophobic guidance received from Oakham Town Council Mayor, there are no photographs of me included in this blog post or drag queens.

Cllr Joyce Lucas feels its not homophobic to suggest to a Gay Councillor "he should not be photographed in a gay bar or photograph drag queens and post on this blog because it brings the position of councillor into disrepute"

I understand my photograph was taken last night and may be found on Facebook, I wish to apologise in advance to any Oakham resident who may be offended by seeing their councillor in a gay bar! at a Pride fund raising event.

You will notice from the photographs below the event was highly respectable and everyone managed to keep there knickers on unlike local Oakham dignitaries.

Happy Birthday James

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Co-op Funeral Directors, Oakham, Charity Coffee Morning, Gaol Street Murals

The Co-op funeral directors held a charity coffee morning on Friday. 

I won a bottle of wine in the raffle.

At the coffee morning it was announce the four murals in Gaol Street will be replaced.

Local schools have been commission to carry out the work.

Oakham Church of England School will be painting Oakham's Churches and Chapels.

Southfield Primary School, Oakham Train Station and Signal Box.

Brook Hill Primary School, The Castle.

English Martyrs, The bypass roundabouts and Oakham in Bloom Themes

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Corby Glen, Grantham, Lincolnshire, Photographs

Exton Cottage, Corby Glen

Farm Yard and St John The Evangelist Church

Horse and Ducks, Corby Glenn, Grantham, Lincolnshire, Photograph

Horse and Ducks, Corby Glenn, Grantham, Lincolnshire,

The Odd House Tavern, Station Road, Oakham, Rutland, New Signs,

The Odd House Tavern, Station Road, Oakham, Rutland, New Signs

Friday, June 17, 2011

Caroline Aston, Launches Oakham Festival at Oakham Castle

Caroline Aston, Launches Oakham Festival at Oakham Castle

Caroline Aston Threatened Legal Action if I Publish Her Photograph.

Caroline Aston  regularly writes something for  UK premier royalty magazine 'Majesty' and something for
'The Daily Telegraph'.

She was one of the specially commissioned group of essayists who wrote the acclaimed collection of pieces published to commemorate the 10th anniversary of Diana, Princess of Wales' death and HM The Queen's 80th birthday. She has filmed a BBC mini-series on British stately homes and acts as an historical advisor to several BBC stations.

It has been said of her that if history gives you a headache then she is the human equivalent of aspirin!

Her chief interests are Queen Victoria and her descendants, Edwardian High Society plus etiquette, style, food and fashion history. She is a nationally acclaimed public speaker and broadcaster and has featured at the American International Schools conferences in Europe as well as being a well known and popular speaker on the great Cunard liners.

She is currently writing a book on Edwardian society ladies and recently wrote and co-starred in a two woman play based on these ladies' lives.

Her business partner and fellow actress is TV presenter Anne Davies (currently presents BBC East Midlands Today) who launched GMTV with Eamonn Holmes and they will present Caroline's play at next year's Edinburgh Festival. As 'Aston and Annie' they write, produce and present intimate insights into social history at prestigious venues throughout the UK.

The Festival Launch was attended mainly by the Committee Members, Festival Helpers and performers of the Four Winds Festival. It would have been good to see more members of the community present. 

For more information about Oakham Festival you might like to visit www.oakhamfestival.co.uk

Email: contact@oakhamfestival.co.uk