Thursday, November 24, 2011

Oakham Town Council PLANNING APPLICATIONS 23rd November 2011

All approved

The  council considered the following applications received and passed on comments
and  observations thereon to Rutland County Council:

(i) APP/2011/0734/APB (HSE) Mr M Roberton
Construction of single storey extension to rear (south) elevation of dwellinghouse
17 Irwell Close

Cllr Adam Lowe declared a personal interest knowing the applicant and them be a possible customer of Travis Perkins.

Cllr Guthrie asked how fat Mr Robertson is. not normally a planning consideration?

The Clerk gave his personal opinion about the application.

(ii) APP/2011/0717/PG (HSE) Mr/s P Blunden
Construction of single storey extension to rear (west) elevation, and repositioning of
garden wall and fence (resubmission of application APP/2011/0276)
36 Tolethorpe Close

(iii) APP/2011/0758/APB
Reduce lateral growth of 1 no. Yew Tree by 2 m, and reduce lateral growth to east side of
1 no. Group of Yew trees by 2m
The Lodge Cottage, Stamford Road

At this point Cllr Lucas tree warden made no comment, then a well rehearsed piece of sarcastic theatre was played out. Cllr Haworth Deputy Mayor said are we not going to receive any  expert advice from our tree warden. The Mayor responded by say last time I gave advice you all voted against my advice and I will have you know Rutland County Council approved the destruction of a Willow Tree. I expected her to stick her fingers in her ears and stick her tongue out and say I told you so. She then went onto give advice on the above application and Cllr Haworth thanked her for her expert advice with his normal irritating smirk plastered all over his face.

 (iv) APP/2011/0788/APB Mrs Patricia Moore
Installation of satellite dish to front elevation of dwellinghouse
4 White Lion Gardens St Anne’s Close

The Clerk said he could not understand why the above application was before the council. 
I would suggest it has something to do with the fact these terrace of lovely cottages and within
a conservation area. I think we may find this is rejected by Rutland County Council just like the 
Deli Application in Mill Street was even though its was approved by Oakham Town Council.
I think it is sad Oakham Town Council has little or no interest in preserving the town or protecting
conservation areas.

(v) APP/2011/0781/NT (HSE) Tim Needham
Construction of single storey link building and porch between
existing dwellinghouse
and garage
Grange Farm Uppingham Road