Wednesday, January 04, 2012

Link Rutland's Voice in Health & Social Care “Let’s Focus on Mental Health.”

There is still time to book on to our first event of the New Year -
“Let’s Focus on Mental Health.”

This FREE event will be held on:

Wednesday 18th January 2012

9.30am - 12.00pm

Braunston & Brooke Village Hall, 
3 Wood Lane,
LE15 8QZ

The event will provide you with an opportunity to find what services are available locally and ask your questions. It promises to be really informative and will be of great interest to those who use services or care for someone who does.

Peter Caunt, Director of the Good Thinking Therapies Service and guest speaker, will describe talking therapies, how people can access the service and why 48% of all people seen do not need any further treatment. Denise Bosworth from Rethink, will be speaking about the Carers Support Service for Rutland.

There will be an expert panel made up of the two guest speakers, representatives from the Community Mental Health Team from Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust and Rutland County Council, which will provide opportunities to ask lots of questions and importantly get answers.

To book your place, please complete the online booking form

Travel expenses can be reimbursed for existing Rutland LINk members or those that join the LINk on the day. For more information, 

please contact the LINk office on 0116 229 3103 or email rutlandlink@communitiesinpartnership.org.uk

Download our poster for display


Gemma Hammond
LINk Communications Officer

Communities in Partnership
Beaumont Enterprise Centre
Boston Road

t: 0116 229 3103
e: gemma@communitiesinpartnership.org.uk
w: www.communitiesinpartnership.org.uk

Communities in Partnership is the trading name of Leicestershire Voluntary Sector Resource Agency

A Company Registered in England and Wales: Company Number: 3576786
Registered Charity Number: 1072595
Registered Office: As above