Thursday, January 26, 2012


Oakham Town Council
Victoria Hall, 39 High Street, Oakham, Rutland, LE15 6AH
Telephone: 01572 723627 Fax: 01572 759395
e-mail: enquiries@oakhamtowncouncil.gov.uk


1. APOLOGIES - Standing Order 1(u)
(i) apologies for absence were received from Cllr Peter Locket
(ii) members approved apologies for absence

Clr Jane Woodcock Declared on item 15/8 The development backs onto her home.
Cllr Alf Dewis woke up at the end of the meeting and declared an interest in the same item as a relative lived nearby.

3. MINUTES members confirmed the minutes of the meeting of the Planning and Parks Committee held on
Wednesday January 11th 2012

To answer questions previously notified to the Clerk under Standing Order 8 there were none.

To receive reports from members relating to the work of the Committee
(Members intending to give a report should inform the Clerk before the meeting) there were none.

6. CLERK’S REPORT – For information only

The Clerk read out a two page report about Bunting costing £609,

The Olympic Torch passing through Oakham 3rd July 2012, he will be attending a meeting on 1st February 2012

Scheduled Monument Consent has been submitted for various work at Cutts Close.

Tree survey Cutts Close possible felling of one tree and works on other and due to the cost this will have to go out to tender.

Notice boards outside library and CAB may not require planning permission to replace these.

Bollards will be delivered soon two to close access to disabled in Cutts Close and another at the entrance of the church yard to stop people driving around the existing bollard and parking on graves.

The Green Flag 2012 application has been submitted.

A new baby changing table has been been delivered and will be fitted 26th January in the public toilets Church Street cost of table £149.00

Fitness Centre - Princess Avenue
A full building survey is to take place and will be carried out by Smithers Purslow the estimated cost is £1250 - £1400 The Clerk reminded members as this is considered a specialist service no quotes are required and is exempt from financial regulation regarding awarding contracts over a £1000. Meetings have been arranged
between unknown nominated members and two prospective tenants.

Internal audit - second visit will take place on Thursday 26th January 2012

Floral Displays the councils solicitor will preparing the contract

Rutland House Community Trust possible subletting of the facility.

Members of the Public are invited to address the meeting in accordance with procedures laid
down in Standing Order 1(d) – 1(i)

The First deputation was from a Mr Wells regarding the proposed pedestrian crossing on the Oakham by-pass.

Second from me regarding the ugly shutter that appeared last year at The Maltings, Mill Street. Spoiling the look of the conservation area. My deputation was rudely interrupted by the Mayor Cllr Joyce Lucas asking is this even on the agenda, if she had bothered to read it beforehand she would have seen it was.

8. ELECTRIC CAR CHARGING POINT To consider an appropriate Town Centre location for an electric car recharging point

I don't know the finer details or costs of this project because in normal Oakham Town Council style the presentation was held behind closed doors before the meeting. When the chairman Cllr Nowell asked if there were any question the chamber remained silent. Then they moved onto to deciding locations for power points. I lost count how many times "we are not responsible for the car parks" was raised. Finally The Mayor Cllr Joyce Lucas proposed it was a good idea, various locations were recommended.

To decide whether to support the possible installation of a controlled pedestrian crossing to the
east side of the Burley Road roundabout

Members agreed a need and possibly a additional one outside the Co-op.

To agree on any response to the consultation document

Chairman Cllr Nowell  asked members if they had read the document with a chuckle or two. Deputy Mayor Cllr Charles proposed the councils preferred lazy option and suggest members might like to comment individually to Rutland County Council as we know this result in many not bothering. Many including the Mayor don't even read the Agenda before the meeting, when I was giving my deputation she interrupted to ask if the matter was even included on the agenda.

The document can be read at www.rutland.gov.uk/ldf/affordablehousing-spd

To consider the following and to make any appropriate decisions
(i) Signage

Oakham Town Council agreed to purchase new signs to welcome visitors
to Cutts Close.

Deputy Mayor Cllr Charles Haworth thought if the signs were displayed profile? this would encourage vandals to kick them.

Cllr Jane Woodcock questioned there purpose

Cllr Joyce Lucas would prefer them upright, like many members she was confused with the description portrait or landscape.

She also suggest a smaller sign so more money could be spent replacing a untidy information sign at this point she was reminded the sign she did not like had been removed 3 - 4 years ago.

The Chairman Cllr John Nowell said he felt there were far to many signs, bins and other clutter at the Burley Road Car Park entrance. I agree. He then asked the Clerk were will the signs be located and with some amusement the Clerk said Burley Road Car Park entrance, oh! was the the response from Cllr Nowell.

Cllr Adam Lowe thoughtfully requested the addition of braille

The Braille system is a method that is widely used by people who are visually impaired to read and write,

The Mayor Councillor Joyce Lucas was very dismissive of his suggestion, "who would read it"

I wonder if you she would have the same attitude if he had suggested something to assist the hearing impaired, some times she is so selfish.

The Councillors agreed to fit the new signs with braille. Costing £76 each and £95 to fit

There were some concerns the would be vandalised The Mayor said the sign located at Royce Recreation Ground had not be damaged yet. Cllr Adam Lowe a special constable offered to go and damage the sign for her at the end of the meeting.

At the end of all the debate and the Clerk seeking his tape measure it was agreed to go ahead and purchase the signs which will stand about 4' and read.

Welcome to Cutts Close Please enjoy and respect the park the park is owned and managed by Oakham Town Council 01572 723627 enquiries@oakhamtowncouncil.gov.uk The Signs will be landscape

Then there was the mention of planning consent

(ii) Hollands Fun fair (Appendix F)
To decide whether to agree to a request from Holland’s Fun Fair to use the park in April
and, if so, to agree on a rental amount

The Council had received a request from Linda Holand to set up from 29th April 2012 - 8th May 2012

CllR Dewis questioned the clerk, was this the fair we think is rubbish, the clerk said no that is when they return in September and very few rides are available.

Cllr Dewis suggest a rent increase and all members agreed the sum of £350 was fine.

Cllr Dewis pointed out the arrival clashed with the cycle race

He also asked the Clerk for a diary of event because no one knows what is going on in Oakham this year and organisation who need to know and promote the town like Discover Rutland were in the dark nothing new there, it surprises Mr Dewis doe not know what is going on. Maybe his new roles outside the council such as Chairman of Oakham Town Partnershiip are effecting his ability to be a councillor? Then we read about events the partnership need to confirm. Unlike Uppingham who often leave Oakham behind.

(iii) Bandstand Marathon 2012 (Appendix G)

Members did not understand the entire request from the organisers, one point was clear it would cost over four times as much as when the council supported it two year ago. They decided to register an interest and seek clarification. The letter was original sent to Rutland County Council early December 2010 there internal systems speedily delivered it to Oakham Town Council this week.

12. ROYCES PLAYING FIELD To decide whether to reinstate the Nest Swing at the park

The council after much debate and confusion decided to agree to spending nearly £1000 on new chains to reinstate the nest swing which was previously damaged twice. Although this is a high cost, it is small when you consider the original cost of the nest swing was around £20,000

The Mayor Cllr Joyce Lucas reminded members, when the new play equipment was installed there was a lot of unnecessary fuss in the media and a opening by Sarah Outen and the Mayor Sharon Spencer (she is a fine one to talk not a week passes without her appearing in the Rutland Times) She feels if the swing is just replaced without publicity, outsiders won't visit as they did when the equipment was first put installed and now Catmose College had moved it was unlikely large groups of school children would sit on it and damage it at lunch time. (I don't think so where else are the children going to sit and enjoy their chips they purchase from around the corner?)

13. CLASSIC CAR RALLY (Appendix I)
To consider a letter received regarding the possibility of providing an area for the display of
18-20 classic cars on Saturday 23rd June 2012
Oakham Town Council  were asked to consider a request from a Volkswagen owners club.

David Parrott said he had spoke to Joy Everett the organiser of the Rutland Festival.

The Mayor Councillor Joyce Lucas said "Why can't Joy Everett sort this out"

Cllr Alf Dewis said he had telephoned Joy Everett and she could not recall any conversation.

The Council decided the Clerk must write a tactful letter telling the organiser they would not
be welcome in Cutts Close and to refer the Club back to Joy to find them a location. They do
not want the council to be seen as unwelcoming?

To decide whether to claim a free hand pushed gritter and grit bin and, if so to agree on an
appropriate location for the grit bin

Councillors decided Thank you but no thank and left the Clerk to decide how the response letter should be worded to Rutland County Council.

Cllr Guthrie returning to his Yorkshire roots said he felt maybe the council should never refuse a free offer.

To consider the following applications received to date and to make recommendations
or observations thereon to Rutland County Council:

(i) APP/2011/0919/APB Mr Chris Smith
Fell 1 No. pine and 1 No. Conifer. Reduce 1 No. Blue Cedar by approx. 30%
33 Stamford Road

Cllr Joyce Lucas reported as tree warden and after a previous outburst when member were minded to disagree with her expert advice they all quickly agreed to approve the application.

(ii) APP/2011/0840/DTR Mr Gerald Solomons
Installation of electricity operated roller shutter
The Maltings, Mill Street

Cllr Alf Dewis calls for the closure of Calico Mill Street Oakham
Cllr Alf Dewis, who is also the Chairman of Oakham Town Partnership and any other organisation you care to name? Said Calico was responsible for all the Anti Social behaviour in around Mill Street.
He ignored direction from the Clerk and continued by saying Calico should be closed.
His comments were not relevant a relevant planning consideration, I would also like to
know what proof he has to support his claim.

Members decided not to approve this application raising safety concerns for the residents living above on of the two fire escape routes was block at night and rights of way was also mentioned.

(iii) APP/2011/0911/APB (COU) Mr G Penney
Change of use from Class A1 to 2 No. residential units (Class C3)
First floor, 52 Deans Street


(iv) APP/2011/0895/NH Hawksmead Limited
Reserved matters application for construction of new access road / spine road and
associated bell mouths
Land between Barleythorpe and Oakham Burley Park Way


(v) APP/2011/0952/APB (HSE) Mr and Mrs Gilbert Churchill
Construction of single storey extension to front (northeast) elevation of dwellinghouse
18 Peterborough Avenue

(vi) APP/2011/0967/NT (HSE) Mrs Marilyn Ciarlo
Construction of metal external staircase to rear elevation of dwelling to replace existing
wooden staircase
38a High Street


(vii) APP/2011/0961/EZE (HSE) Mrs S Spencer
Construction of single storey extensions to rear (south) and side (east) elevations
following demolition of existing garage, and construction of porch to front (north)
elevation of dwellinghouse
35 Digby Drive


(viii) APP/2012/0010/NT (FUL) Mr Cassa Miller
Erection of 11 No. dwellings incorporating 10 No. two storey units and 1 no. first floor
130 Braunston Road

Members decided to reject due to the height of the roof ridge

This came as no surprise as the Clerk advised members of advice given by the planning department of Rutland County Council.

"member might be minded to consider the roof height when consider this application"

I get the feeling the planning department is seeking a refusal when this comes before Rutland County Council planning committee.

The question is often asked by members what is Rutland County Councils view? Are there any letter of objections from the public. The clerk always responds with a no, they don't supply us with any of that information.

So why have they for this application?