Thursday, January 26, 2012

Oakhm Town Council to reinstate the Nest Swing at Royce Recreation Ground

The council after much debate and confusion decided to agree to spending nearly £1000 on new chains to reinstate the nest swing which was previously damaged twice. Although this is a high cost, it is small when you consider the original cost of the nest swiing was around £20,000

The Mayor Cllr Joyce Lucas reminded members, when the new play equipment was installed there was a lot of unnecessary fuss in the media and a opening by Sarah Outen and the Mayor Sharon Spencer

(she is a fine one to talk not a week passes without her appearing in the Rutland Times)

She feels if the swing is just replaced without publicity, outsiders won't visit as they did when the equipment was first put installed and now Catmos College had moved it was unlikely large groups of school children would sit on it and damage it at lunch time.

(I don't think so where else are the children going to sit and enjoy their chips they purchase from around the corner?)