Policing in 2012 and beyond - Make your views count
January 12th 2012, 5:30pmVarious throughout the City, County and Rutland
Policing in 2012 and beyond
Make your views count
You are warmly invited to a meeting with the Chair of the Police Authority and the Chief Constable of Leicestershire Constabulary, as the two organisations enter one of the most challenging periods in our history. In February 2012 the budget for 2012-13 will be set and these meetings will enable us to explain the options we are considering.
This series of meetings across the county will enable us to explain more about the financial challenges to be faced in 2012-13 and hear your views on local policing priorities and the use of resources. More information will also be given on the forthcoming elections for the Police and Crime Commissioner, who will replace the Police Authority in November next year.
Despite the challenges ahead both the Police Authority and the Constabulary remain focused on further improvement of the policing services provided for the people and businesses of Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland.
Each event starts at 6.00pm (light refreshments from 5.30pm) and will finish by 8.00pm.
The dates and venues are as follows:
Thurs 12 January 2012 Town Hall, Leicester
Weds 25 January 2012 Harborough District Council Offices, Market Harborough
Mon 30 January, 2012 Rutland County Council, Oakham
Tues 31 January, 2012 Police HQ, St Johns, Enderby, Leicester, LE19 2BX
The events will be hosted by the BBC's Ben Jackson, and short explanatory presentations will be followed by a question and answer session.
If you would like to come along, simply call us on 0116 229 8986 or e-mail us at police.authority@leicestershire.pnn.police.uk stating "Count my view" in the subject field and providing your name, a contact number and your venue of choice in the body of the message.
For your convenience, please let us know if you have any accessibility requirements.
There is no need to advise if you are unable to attend.
However if you do accept the invitation and then find you are not able to come, please let us know.
We look forward to seeing you.
Barrie Roper Simon Cole
Chairman Chief Constable
Leicestershire Police Authority Leicestershire Constabulary
For more information, please contact:
Christos Konteas, Policy Officer, 0116 229 8986
Related documents
Poster for the "Policing in 2012 and beyond" event at Town Hall, Leicester, 12 Jan 2012.2012-01-25_Policing-in-2012_Harborough
Poster for the "Policing in 2012 and beyond" event at Harborough District Council Offices, Market Harborough, 25 Jan 2012.2012-01-30_Policing-in-2012_Rutland
Poster for the "Policing in 2012 and beyond" event at Rutland County Council, Oakham, 30 Jan 2012.2012-01-31_Policing-in-2012_Police-HQ
Poster for the "Policing in 2012 and beyond" event at Police Headquarters 31 Jan 2012.Public Meetings on Future of Policing