Monday, February 27, 2012

Audit Commission & Cllr Nick Wainwright Anti Corruption Rutland Coutny Council

The Audit Commission & Cllr Nick Wainwright & Rutland County Council.

It's interesting to find the Audit Commission has been busy using Google and finding  its way to my blog, when  attempting to find information relating to Cllr Nick Wainwright, a membe of the newly formed anti corruption group at Rutland County Council.

I wonder what the outcome of that group we will be?

The Audit Commissions search landed them on a post containing a letter Nick sent me. It appears after he was told fibs, like I had published some not very nice things about him. The letter was written around the time he gave up being a Conservative saying 

"I find the political machinations of RCC abhorrent." > nick wainwright rutland  

Page Viewed: Martin Brookes Oakham Rutland: Tory Rutland County Councillor Nick Wainwright "I find the

1 hour, 55 min ago
February 27, 2012
10:31:13 AM
Internet Service Provider Demon Internet / Thus plc
Organization The Audit Commission
First Time IP
Last IP Address