Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Councillor Terry King Calls for new members for Oakham Partnership

Councillor Terry King Calls for new members for Oakham Partnership

At yesterdays council meeting Rutland County Councillor and Tory Deputy Leader reported both Uppingham and Oakham Town Partnership were still alive and kicking.

He referred to Oakham Town Partnerships need to attract new members providing they only came from the business community. I admire him for his enthusiasm. I am sure he is trying to flog a dead horse is the correct description. Oakham Town Councillors have in the past reported its almost failure to exist and have moved in to take the group over.

the biggest complaint I have heard from traders is the partnership like business link is dominated by the same old councillors.

Members of the public on-line refer to the partnership as an unelected body.

To refer to the Mayors terrible column in the Rutland Times last week she accused charities of doubling up.

Surely the partnership chaired by a town councillor is doubling up. The partnership is not accountable to anyone and is making big plans for the town, this includes traffic management surely things the Town Council should be doing.