Thursday, February 23, 2012

Free property registration events in Loughborough immobilise . com & Leicestershire Police

Free property registration events in Loughborough

PC 1450 Ian Horsfall from the Loughborough Town neighbourhood team, and the Marios Tinenti Centre in Russell Street, Loughborough, have joined forces to offer local residents the opportunity to register their identifiable property with Immobilise which is the world’s largest free online property database.

To register your property all you need to do is take a note of the make, model serial number of the item and take that information to the Marios Tenenti Centre on one of the following days where Ian will be available to register your property.

Tuesday February 28th 2012, from 2pm to 4pm

Tuesday March 6th 2012, from 2pm to 4pm

Friday March 30th 2012, from 10am to 12pm

Thursday April 12th 2012, from 10am to 12pm

Thursday April 19th 2012, from  2pm to 4pm

Friday April 27th 2012, from 12pm to 2pm

Almost any possession with a serial number can be registered for free, including:
  • Mobile phones
  • iPods, other MP3 players and games consoles
  • Laptops, computers and PDAs
  • Satellite navigation and in-car equipment
  • Bicycles

 Pc Ian Horsfall said; “We regularly recover property as a result of search following an arrest, and we find that without a record of the serial number it is often very difficult to return property to its rightful owner. If more property is registered with immobilise, the greater chance that we can return the property, and secure a conviction.”

The  Immobilise database is linked directly to police systems, enabling officers to trace the owners of recovered property and to also identify the item as being stolen if found in the possession of a suspected thief.  This ability to link suspects to a crime via the database means that Immobilise acts as a major deterrent to criminals.

The Immobilise system was setup in 2003 and has had the support of the Police, mobile phone industry and central government since its inception. With the support of these and numerous other organisations during the past 6 years the Immobilise service has grown to service over 25 million members in the UK alone.
