Thursday, February 23, 2012

Jubilee Oaks For Oakham TREE PLANTING SCHEME Oakham Town Council Town Partnership Richard Adams


Oakham Town Council agreed to support the above scheme.

The Mayor Cllr Councillor Joyce announced "My husband and I will be purchasing a Oak Tree and Richard Adams will tell us where it has been planted and we will water it each day throughout the summer months" she also wanted all to know the £60 cost would not be drawn from her allowance "it will be paid for out of my pension"

Despite her husbands and her individual support she was very critical regarding the choice of tree. Claiming there was no land available to plant Oak Trees.

She then went on to be very critical of Spire Homes 100 Diamond Jubilee Trees. She said she was contacted by a nice person from Spire Homes and said she told them nicely where to stick there tiny sapling sticks.
She did not approve their scheme.

Councillors agreed to support the Town Partnerships Jubilee Oaks Scheme and will be sponsoring 4 Oak Trees.

The Town Council then decided to do its own bit to commemorate the Jubilee and agreed to spend over £1,000 on three trees One to be located at Royce Recreation Ground another at Cutts Close and if permission is granted by Rutland County Council the other will be planted in the shabby play area in Willow Crescent, This are is leased from Rutland County Council.

All three trees will be surrounded by iron railings and a commemorative plaque in a style people may not want to steal.

None of the trees will be Oak as the tree warden said they are not suitable for the locations.

Cllr Maureen Dodds questioned the plaques and wanted assurance they will clearly explain the purpose of the tree and she looked forward to looking down at the people looking at the trees when she was dead from above.

Cllr Guthrie voted against the Councils three trees. The Chairman  Cllr John Nowell immediately requested a reason. The Clerk quickly advised "he does not have to give an answer" Cllr Guthrie a fairly new Councillor and one of the few decent ones, did not object. Clearly remembering all Councillors should be accountable for their actions. Something a few others could learn.  He said  he was against due to the high cost

So far the Town Council has spent over £7,000 on Jubilee projects.

Cllr Charles Haworth Deputy Mayor spoke for all the public by saying no member of the public would object
to spending on the Jubilee.

He never asked me but then I don't object if they cap the spending at this point and its good to hear all Oakham's residents are avid royalists.