More 'test purchasing' carried out in Oakham Leicestershire police

More 'test purchasing' carried out in Oakham
Police in Rutland have carried out a third ‘test purchasing operation’ in their bid to tackle underage drinking.
On Friday 24th February 2012 officers visited 8 pubs and 1 off license in Oakham. They were accompanied by a 15 year old female who was told to give her true age if she was asked for her identification.
Three out of the nine premises failed but pleasingly five pubs, which had failed a similar operation a few months ago, all passed reflecting that the operation is having an impact.
Sergeant Matt Ditcher from Oakham police station, said; “While I am still disappointed that a third of the premises failed I am pleased that all the pubs which previously failed, refused to sell alcohol to the underage test purchaser this time. I believe our enforcement action is making a difference and reinforcing the message that licensees, and their staff, must check the age of the person before they sell them alcohol.
“The link between alcohol and crime and anti-social behaviour is well established and it can be particularly problematic if young people under the age of eighteen are drinking. Drunken teenagers can been tempted to behave anti-socially and cause criminal damage but they also risk becoming a victim of crime themselves as they are not always aware of their surroundings when they are under the influence of alcohol.”
“We want Oakham to remain a nice place to enjoy in the evenings and making sure licensed premises comply with the law will ensure the town can be enjoyed by everyone.”
Rutland Local Policing Unit
Jon Gower (Police, LSTO, Rutland)