Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Roger Begy Key Budget Speech Points Rutland County Council 2012

Roger Begy has provided me with the Key points, from his lengthy budget speech, which he gave at last nights Budget meeting

Roger Begy Key Budget Speech Points :

To martinjbrookes@hotmail.com
From:Roger Begy (RBegy@rutland.gcsx.gov.uk)
Sent:28 February 2012 12:32:01
To: martinjbrookes@hotmail.com (martinjbrookes@hotmail.com)  

Looking at my notes for the speech, I think it would be misleading to publish in full as I did not read word-for-word. 

As I was pressed for time, I left certain bits out that I had intended to say, 
I also added other bits in which I did not have written down.  
I would not want residents who did not attend to not have the same version as I presented to Members.

However, happy to give you the main points for your website which are as follows:

Usefulness of Agresso system

Net spending below last year All service budgets below last year except People where it is up £35,900 on a budget of £15.9million
 Local government spending to be cut by 24% Less restrictions placed by Government
17% savings in net budget If we were the same size as a Leicestershire this would be equivalent of £50m
Continued savings Identified in excess of £1million Brings reduction in net spending to 20%
Savings identified in papers Use reserves to cushion but priority setting will become even more important
Significant cost pressures £382,800 in Members papers
Ageing population forecast from 23% to 28%
Vulnerable children after Baby P Up 3250,000 in this year further £174,500 next year
Less capital expenditure but still some Better Schools for All aimed largely at Cottesmore School
Forecast £1million capital receipts next year.
CIPFA definition of reserves Difficult care case can cost 3150,000
Earmark £2.013 million for invest to save projects Important to assist in longer term savings
Uncertainty of Health costs so create reserve
Create Winter Maintanance reserve to smooth good and bad winters
Key bincome of non ring fenced grants, New Homes Bonus and Health confirmed for next year
Revenue Support Grant £146,100 and NNDR £7.015million
Risks in future years in areas such as Council Tax Benefit with Government target of saving 10%
Risk with changes to core central funding based upon NNDR with freeze for 10 years
Discussions with Ministers
Treatment of last years counmcil tax freeze funding beyond 2014/15
2.5% council tax increase Equals £35.76 per annum on Band D
Gives us a surplus of £582,500 next fiscal But doubts regarding future funding
Need to support growth - infrastructure to support new housing Digital Rutland Ashwell Prison
Start running defict budget after next year rising to £617,000 in 2017/18 Covered by reserves
Recognise high increases in late 1990s and early 2000s One off
Hard times for community
Deficit increases to above  £1million Cover with reserves and have time to review options

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