Saturday, February 18, 2012

Special Constable Adam Lowe Resigns From Leicestershire Constabulary (Harassment swept under the rug)

Special Constable Adam Lowe Resigns From Leicestershire Constabulary
(Harassment swept under the rug)

I wonder, I wonder what Inspector Johnny Monks has to say about this?
 it is clear to me he protected the likes of Special Constable Adam Lowe.

Sgt Foster and his predecessors, who always refused to investigate my complaints in the past. 

Over the last two years+ Leicestershire Constabularies involvement in local politics
(if that's how I can describe it) has been disgraceful.

The Constabulary recently rubbed salt into my wounds, by awarding Special Constable Adam Lowe the Queens award for good conduct.

It was my efforts, with no help from Leicestershire Constabulary that proved this man was partly responsible for the harassment I have been subjected to.

Thanks goes to Sgt Morris who eventually took notice of my complaint and served Adam Lowe with a Stage One Harassment Order.

Leicestershire Constabulary Professional Standards Sweeping it all under the rug!

This morning I received a letter from Leicestershire Constabulary professional Standards Department Complaints & Misconduct Police HQ, St John Enderby. Leicester, LE19 2BX

In which they acknowledge receipt of my complaint .

As show on BBC Panorama they have given him the back door exit of resignation.

They confirm Adam Lowe is no longer a serving Police Officer, having resigned as Special Constable with Leicestershire Constabulary.

Therefore, he is no longer subject of the Standards of Professional Behaviour for Police Officers.

This does not prevent you from reporting matters to the police in future, but as Mr Lowe is no longer
a police officer, any matters in relation to his behaviour would not be recorded as a complaint against police,
or investigated by the Professional Standards Department.

Currently Mr Lowe remains my Town Councillor, HE SHOULD RESIGN along with his supporters.

The Mayor Cllr Joyce Lucas 
The Deputy Mayor Cllr Charles Haworth
Cllr Dewis and Nowell

and the Clerk

Leaving the remaining decent new Councillors to get on with serving our community.

What i find tragic about this, is I know Adam had a passion for the police and his conduct by joining the mob
has ruined all that. 

Adam you should have ignored all those communications you told me about that you say the Mayor Cllr Lucas sent you.