As part of Cllr Nowells application for a £2500 grant application from Oakham Town Council Community Grant paid out of tax payers money
Cllr Nowell and Mrs Nowell have provided accounts for the Opportunity Chalet
1 January 2010 - 31 December 2010
None for the same period last year.
Those accounts just like the quotations put a big question mark in my mind regarding this application.
The company claims it spent £147.00 on a TV Licence in 2009 and £150 in 2010.
To my knowledge the TV Licence fee does not go down, true it has remained frozen this year at £145.50
but I cant find any record of it ever costing £150 as stated for 2010.
Below is a photo of Cllr Nowell's expenditure claim and a photograph showing two TV Licences from those years showing the actual price paid.
To read about quotes please click on link:
If I was sitting at the council table on Wednesday I would be think can I trust Directors Cllr Nowell, Mrs Nowell and Miss Burton to correctly account for public money if I agreed to grant them £2500?
Once again its been suggested I watch my back, because Cllr Nowell apparently declares membership of two Lodges. I don't think for one moment I have anything to fear from the new and improved Mason after their relaunch last month. After all I am only pointing out a few of the Cllrs Mistakes.
They told me to watch my back when Cllr Lowe resigned from Leicestershire police special constabulary after he was issued a stage one harassment order for harassing me.
Bob Lucas the ever adorable husband of our Mayor Cllr Lucas is a mason maybe he forgot about the relaunch when he threatened me with more harassment on Good Friday.
I am told Cllr Lucas cried on Friday after I told her politely and calmly her and her team were a disgrace.
Later I was sent this quote.
"Its better to make a person cry by telling them the truth, than to make them smile by telling them a lie"