Showing posts with label Big Pink Heart. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Big Pink Heart. Show all posts

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Big Pink Heart, Rutland Water, Bridging the Generation Gap Walk

Big Pink Heart

Bridging the Generation Gap Walk
There will be an aerial photograph of everyone who has taken part, forming a heart shape!
at Rutland Water - 25th September 10.30 - 12.30

 Bring your friends, young and/or old and let's celebrate community togetherness for Respect Day!

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Involved?, Cutts Close, 2011, Oakham, Rutland, Photographs, Rutland County Council, Sponsored by, Oakham Town Council

Involved? Keeping Safe

The High Sheriff of Rutland  on Rodeo Ride

The rain did not stay for too long

New College Stamford

Involved? and Spire Homes

Hip Hop

Big Pink Heart

Katie Live @ the museum

Rutland County Museum

Katie Rutland County Museum and Councillor Adam Lowe 
Oakham Town Council

Leicester Constabulary, Rutland's Elite Crime Busting Team
Jay and Adam

Rutland County Council 
Fun Pod
Lottery Funded


james mayle: 07789 818 204


Friday, July 08, 2011

Big Pink Heart, Respecting Our Communities

Big Pink Heart, Respecting Our Communities

bigpinkheart / big pink ha:t /
noun. an organisation taking action towards positive
social behaviour and respect in the community
adj. ed (person) putting bigpinkheart into action

ORIGIN early 21st Cent.: from www.bigpinkheart.co.uk

How you can help!

Join in!

Become a volunteer
They are always grateful for helping hands, fancy helping
at their theatre workshops or book clubs?

Become an ambassador
does your work place or organisation want to be BigPinkHearted? Find out more:
