Showing posts with label Live at museum. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Live at museum. Show all posts

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Oakham Deputy Mayor Cllr Adam Lowe, Rutland County Council, Live at Museum, Poor Management, Forced Closure.

At last nights meeting of Oakham Town Council
Oakham's Deputy Mayor Cllr Adam Lowe,  said Rutland County Council, was forced to close Live@ Museum due to "Poor Management"

Oakham Mayor Cllr Alf Dewis pointed out the closure was due to the venue losing money.

Cllr Lowe responded "allegedly"

Cllr Dewis said it was a fact.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Involved?, Cutts Close, 2011, Oakham, Rutland, Photographs, Rutland County Council, Sponsored by, Oakham Town Council

Involved? Keeping Safe

The High Sheriff of Rutland  on Rodeo Ride

The rain did not stay for too long

New College Stamford

Involved? and Spire Homes

Hip Hop

Big Pink Heart

Katie Live @ the museum

Rutland County Museum

Katie Rutland County Museum and Councillor Adam Lowe 
Oakham Town Council

Leicester Constabulary, Rutland's Elite Crime Busting Team
Jay and Adam

Rutland County Council 
Fun Pod
Lottery Funded


james mayle: 07789 818 204


Thursday, July 21, 2011

James Sherwood, Comedy Night, Live@museum, Oakham, Rutland

James Sherwood, Comedy Night, Live@museum, Oakham, Rutland

Saturday July 30th 2011
At Rutland County Museum, Oakham

The County Council who run Live@museum at a loss currently £16,000 +
have decided to give away tickets free as part of a multi buy offer, as a
way of thanking supporters.

Information is available from


01572 720922