Showing posts with label Catmose Campus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Catmose Campus. Show all posts

Friday, November 11, 2011

Baroness Elizabeth Berridge, Catmose College, Annual Presentations of Awards 2011

 Baroness Elizabeth Berridge, Catmose College, Annual Presentations of Awards 2011 

The guest of honour was Baroness Elizabeth Berridge
of the Vale of Catmose in the County of Rutland

Last night I attended the Annual Presentation of Award and Certificates
for the Academic Year 2010 – 2011

The hospitality of the college was superb.
The Baroness gave an interesting and amusing address including references to the ipad and iphone.

Baroness Elizabeth Berridge referred to the X Factor in her address and presentation. She apologised to fans of the BBC Strictly Come Dancing. She said she has always been a fan of X Factor.

This reminded me In the world of Twitter people are suggesting the sponsorship of The X Factor by Marks & Spencer is lowering the image of the store. I say they are just jumping on the band wagon of popularity.

She finished by telling all we are all are own story. I found her comment about health and safety amusing.
She is told she walks to fast in the corridors of the House of Lords creating a health and safety is for some of the older members

The Catmose college has achieved some of the best exam results in the country.

On the way to the reception, I had a chance to meet and have a brief chat with Christine Emmett
She is one of Rutlands newer Conservatives. Surprisingly nice and looking at her profile rather more intelligent than some of the old style Rutland Tories. I felt she would be better suited in Government rather than Rutland County Council. I hope they are using her wisely. Pity she is a Rutland Conservative.

Monday, August 01, 2011

Catmose College Connect

Since I purchased my digital camera it is very rare to every see a photograph I have taken of the computer screen, so I was pleased to see the new Catmose College have used one of my photograph in their publication Connect.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Catmose Gallery, New Gallery Set to Close!

Catmose Gallery, New Gallery Set to Close!

Sadly Catmose Gallery part of the Catmose Campus is set to close.

Catmaose blame this on a loss of grant.

Rutland County Council were also approached for funding.

The gallery will be turned into a additional classroom.

It does not surprise me this funding ended when you look at who
represents our county on The Arts Council.


I guess there is art in somewhere in Rugby and Real Ale?

If the trustees of Victoria Hall can get their act together maybe this could be
a new start for art at that venue. The Catmose Gallery has in the past attracted
some very fine exhibitions.

Maybe they can take on the staff who look set to lose their jobs. Would be good to
see exhibitions actually advertised on the Victoria Hall Web Site.

I have always dreamt of a Victoria Hall like Stamford Arts.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Catmose Campus, Official Opening, Oakham, Rutland

Catmose Campus, Official Opening, Oakham, Rutland
today at 4pm

The Official Opening by Dr Lawrence Howard, H. M. Lord Lieutenant of Rutland O.B.E, JP

The Principal Stuart Williams and Helen Briggs, the Chief Executive of Rutland County Council
have invited people to the official opening.

No photography is permitted in the Campus so I shall most likely get very bored.

The Catmose College will provide official photographs via their website and facebook

Catmose Campus,
Huntsmans Drive,
LE15 6RP

Monday, April 25, 2011

Visions Community & Childrens Centre Catmose Campus Oakham Rutland

The new Visions at Oakham is a purpose built centre within the new Catmose Campus. They started to get the Centre up and running from 28th Feb 11,  everything is being installed and organised. Once completed they will let us know what activities and sessions will be held there, so watch this space!  www.visionsccc.co.uk/Oakham

Vision also opened a facility at Uppingham C of E Primary School, providing Children's Centre activities and sessions, last year, Nov 2010

At Oakham Vision they will provide many different services 
and activities to cater to the needs of Rutland families. 

Some of these services/activites include:

Baby Massage
Baby Yoga
Jellybeans Music
Creative Play
Stay and Play
Makaton Baby Signing
Jobcentre Plus
Womans Aid
Parenting Support/Guidance
Counselling - Rethink

call 01780 752303 
for more information on any of the services they provide.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Councillor George Swiffin, Oakham, Town Council, Parkfield Road Oakham, Rutland

Councillor George Swiffin, Oakham, Town Council, Parkfield Road Oakham, Rutland I would like to congratulate Councillor Swiffin for his selfless actions.

Whilst other Parkfield Road residents have to look at steel baricades that protect the new Catmose Campus site, he ensured as any good selfless Oakham Town Councillor would, he demanded a much nicer wooden fence topped off with fancy trellis and this was provided.

As a Councillor surely he should have also considered his fellow residents need also.

Since Spire Homes purchased these properties on the cheap from Rutland County Council, they have made vast improvements, the change of paint colour from battle ship grey is the biggest improvement.