Showing posts with label Visions Oakham rutland. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Visions Oakham rutland. Show all posts

Monday, April 25, 2011

Visions Community & Childrens Centre Catmose Campus Oakham Rutland

The new Visions at Oakham is a purpose built centre within the new Catmose Campus. They started to get the Centre up and running from 28th Feb 11,  everything is being installed and organised. Once completed they will let us know what activities and sessions will be held there, so watch this space!  www.visionsccc.co.uk/Oakham

Vision also opened a facility at Uppingham C of E Primary School, providing Children's Centre activities and sessions, last year, Nov 2010

At Oakham Vision they will provide many different services 
and activities to cater to the needs of Rutland families. 

Some of these services/activites include:

Baby Massage
Baby Yoga
Jellybeans Music
Creative Play
Stay and Play
Makaton Baby Signing
Jobcentre Plus
Womans Aid
Parenting Support/Guidance
Counselling - Rethink

call 01780 752303 
for more information on any of the services they provide.