Showing posts with label Cllr Richard Gale. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cllr Richard Gale. Show all posts

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Cllr Richard Gale, UKIP, Rutland County Council, Cover-ups, Lies, Avoidance, Letter

Cllr Richard Gale, UKIP, Rutland County Council, Cover-ups, Lies, Avoidance, Letter

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Cllr Richard Gale, Rutland Anti Corruption Party, DATA Protection

Cllr Richard Gale, Rutland Anti Corruption Party, DATA Protection

DATA Protection

I have written to the Rutland county Council’s Head of Legal Services asking the following 
because you may have read that The Rutland Anti-Corruption Group have been put under 
a “Single Point of Contact”. 
I want to know the legal position if a member of the public contacts me through the 
Council email address with a personal / private problem. Under the SPOC arrangement 
put in place all emails to and from me, Dave and Nick are diverted through SPOC. Who
is SPOC? who else reads our emails in and out? What is the data Protection of any detail 
of a member of public emailing us?
All this because we, the RAC Group, dared to ask questions. We cannot function properly 
as Councillors under this ridiculous and yes, stupid attempt to control use. Who’s stupid 
idea was it?

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Cllr Richard Gale, Rutland Anti Corruption, Why would our Council seemingly support the loss of sports field?

Why would our Council seemingly support the loss of sports field?

I am greatly concerned after listening to Cllr.King last night when we discussed the possible 
lease of part of the sports field / Important open space opposite the former sixth form college 
on Barleythorpe Road. 2.44 acres has been supported for residential development for a number 
of years but the owners, Tresham College in Northamptonshire, want to develop an additional 
I acre and 600 square metres (thatis the wording in the Governors minutes). Thus reducing the 
amount of sports field / recreation land even further.
Now that Tresham have vacated the college grounds they have no use for the sports field and 
appear simply to want every penny they can get out of Rutland, even when the whole site had 
to be transferred to them eleven years ago for £1 (one pound) out of the ownership of Rutland.
Rutland County Council have agreed to sell it’s adjoining 2 acre Parks school site collaboratively 
with the college land. The College Governors have publicly stated that RCC have ‘flexed’ planning 
to give the proposed purchaser, Bellway Homes a greater value so that there is then a greater 
financial income for the College. The flexing is to support Tresham’s plan to add the extra one 
acre and 600 sq. metres to a planning application. Rutland County Council have a duty to protect 
sports fields and important open space for the benefit of the community it serves.
There has been no public consultation regarding RCC supporting the additional loss of sport / 
recreational land, and we have to ask “ why would RCC  enable a developer to get a greater value 
at the cost of reduced public facilities? What is the benefit to the community in this?
Will the eventual outcome be making the site big enough for a supermarket which would command 
a greater financial income for the land owner(s)?

Cllr Richard Gale, Rutland Anti Corruption, Involving and informing the public

Involving and informing the public

Tags: openness
It’s basic, the Council is elected by the taxpayers to represent them in the best democratic 
way it can. Every Councillor has a voice and if they want to ask questions they should without 
the abuse and defamation the Rutland Anti-Corruption Group has endured over the last year.
If the largest group choose to delegate additional duties and responsibilities to the Chief Executive 
and the Portfolio holder for Finance and Asset management, fine. However, as an elected councillor 
I am entitled to follow events and know what negotiations have taken place and with whom on a 
regular basis.
I was not permitted to be part of the negotiations for projects in my ward but later asked to 
see the minutes of the meetings with individual land owners and developers but was prevented. 
For me this was the start of the current unjustifiable and extraordinary attacks upon the 
RAC Group, hence the call for Openness and Transparency.
What is the full and true reasoning to move the Post 16 College away from town? Why accept a significant reduction in the numbers of affordable homes on the Hawksmeade development? 
Can the public please be shown the evidence that supported this reduction when other 
development sites can provide 35% in the same economic climate?
Why does the majority group seem to support the ‘flexing’ of planning just to give a 
developer a greater value when this flexing significantly reduces public access to sports field, 
recreation land and important open space?
The Barleythorpe Road site amounts to four and a half acres, why does it need to be five 
and a half acres unless there is a ‘hidden’ reason? Is the undisclosed plan to place a 
supermarket here although Planning Officers have identified other suitable site close by?
I ask the Council to answer these questions, make all the answers available to the wider 
public before we go any further. There is nothing wrong with having suspicions. What is wrong 
is when the answers to the questions to support or dispel those suspicions are withheld.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Cllr Richard Gale, Rutland Anti Corruption Party, On SPOC, Rutland County Council

Cllr Richard Gale, Rutland Anti Corruption Party, On SPOC, Rutland County Council

Cllr Gale does not state who is Single Point Of Contact,  Although  I have been told it is the  Chief Executive
Helen Briggs.

Even if it is not Helen Briggs and it is another person who has raised  a complaint of harassment against the  three councillors. This shows the stupidity of the management and leadership at Rutland County Council.

Jan 28 2013 6:50 PM Cllr Richard Gale

We, the Anti-Corruption Group, have been accused of bombarding Council Officers with questions, one of those being the Chief Executive. This questioning has been described as harassment by the CEO. There is no evidence of this and it is certainly not our intention but we do want to be fully versed before making decisions that affect the community we serve.

The nonsense that has followed is that we have been put on a Single Point Of Contact to ask our questions, a SPOC. Further, the SPOC is the person we have been accused of bombarding with questions. So how is that going to work?

Monday, August 27, 2012

Cllr Richard Gale Rutland Anti Corruption The Vanishing Kitchen Barleythorpe Hall

The Vanishing Kitchen

Barleythorpe Hall was closed as a residential home for elder people in June 2006 although money had been spent to bring it back to registration standards. One improvement was the installation of a new and large stainless steel kitchen costing many thousands of pounds. However a working party, of which I was a member, considered the long-term future of this residential home. The eventual outcome was to work in partnership with a private care provider to build a new ‘Care Village’ on community land adjacent to the hospital and surgery.
Since 2006 the Hall has stood empty and there has been attempts to sell the property. A little over two years ago Cllr.Wainwright accompanied a prospective buyer around who commented on the good quality of the Kitchen. This would be an important factor in any offer he should make.
Last year I went to look around the building, it is in my Ward and it has a significant history, a former home of the Yellow Earl, Lord Lonsdale. I could see that the stainless steel kitchen had been removed, only odd units remaining. This prompted me to contact the Chief Executive Officer of Rutland County Council to enquire what had happened to the kitchen as removal would have further devalued the Hall. It had previously been broken into and piping removed.
The CEO informed me (twice) that the kitchen had not been stolen. It seemed to me in order to make such a statement you would need to know what had happened to it. Several emails later to the CEO and I have still not been informed what has happened. From the exchange of emails it seems something is not in order. As I am a Ward member and a custodian of Council assets why am I being denied this information? Has it been sold or given away? Or is it stored safe somewhere? I need to know.

Cllr Richard Gale Anti Corruption Party Rutland County Council (in) Security Gone Mad

(in)Security Gone Mad

Tags: emailsecurity
It is very difficult to communicate efficiently with a restrictive email policy is in place. Why does the Council insist on only communicating using GCSX connected computers? It only adds delay to the conversation.
GCSX is intended for the transmission of restricted information. This makes sense and is a good idea. However, to insist all communication uses GCSX seems paranoid and unnecessary when information in the public domain is being discussed.
Here is an example of the difficulty trying exchange thoughts with Cllr. King. I’ve just copied and pasted the text from my email. Enjoy.
From: Richard Gale
To: Terry King
Cc: Barrie Roper; Ed Baines; Gene Plews; Jeff Dale; Kenneth Bool; Marc Oxley; Richard Gale; Terry King; Roger Begy; Brian Montgomery; Alan Walters; Gale Waller; Mark Woodcock; Joanna Figgis; Jonathan Munton; James Lammie; Christine Emmett; Charlotte Vernon; William Cross; David Hollis; Martyn Pocock; Lucy Stephenson; David Richardson; Nick Wainwright
Sent: Tue Aug 14 09:01:21 2012
Subject: Question
Dear Cllr. King. You are the only person that has said that I have not answered a question. My record shows nothing outstanding so as I said last night, if you tell me which question you refer to I will answer it. You say it refers to a letter published in a newspaper, you will need to forward a copy of that letter please.
RAC group choose not to use the gcsx email system although I myself do come into Catmose to receive emails. That is our right and we believe we have good reason. Unless it is a sensitive Council subject there is no good reason why you or anyone else do no use our personal email address or send hard copy. I understand other councillors wishes are met. To get the fastest response to your question you should consider these options.
From: Terry King
To: "'regal_48@yahoo.co.uk'"
Cc: Roger Begy
Sent: Tuesday, 14 August 2012, 9:39
Subject:Re: Question
A response to your email has been sent to your Council email address.
T C King
Rutland County Council
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The views expressed in this email are those of the author and may not be official policy.
Internet email should not be treated as a secure form of communication.
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Cllr Richard Gale Anti Corruption Party Rutland County Council

Cllr Richard Gale Anti Corruption Party Rutland County Council

Richard Gale
Born and educated in Oakham, Richard later attended agricultural College. Most of his working life has been spent in agriculture and construction. He lived in West Wales during the 70s and 80s were he owned a business manufacturing and erecting steel framed buildings. In addition he and his family ran a small farming enterprise.
Richard returned to Rutland and re-established and extended the farming business. It was due to a planning dispute with the LPA, which he eventually won, that he took an interest in Development Control. In 1995 he stood and was elected as an Independent Councillor. He continues in this role today.
As a Councillor he has sat on many working parties in connection with Health, Social Services and Housing. In the last twenty years Richard has spent a lot of time in the voluntary sector supporting the elderly, persons with learning disabilities and being a 'listening ear' to those people going through emotional problems.
Richard lost his wife through illness in the 90s. His three daughters and son live locally and are active members of the community.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Councillor Richard Gales Independent Rutland County Councillors Web Site

Councillor Richard Gales Independent Rutland County Councillors Web Site

Click Here For Mr Gales Web Site

An interesting read.

I wonder if Rutland County Council will ever change its ways?

I am told the History of Rutland County County has always been bleak.

Past Chief Executives have not helped.

I was told one male was a drunken alcoholic.

Another female sexaully harrassed younger male staff?

The current Chief Executive clearly supports a bullying culture that is prevalent at Rutland Rutland County Council.

I refer to Mr Brown Head of operations e-mail, to a member of he public who published public information.

Because she did this he refuses to give her public information as an example.