Showing posts with label New Deal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label New Deal. Show all posts

Monday, March 08, 2010

Job Search in Leicester Monday Moan

Next Step Leicester, this organisation receives funding from Europe as part of this funding they display some of the latest job centre vacancies.

All the job displayed today are past the closing date for applications.

Closing dates for applications from 17/01/10 to 20/02/10

Leicester Job Centre Staff are on Strike today complaining of overwork! they should be so lucky.

Job links sending people home from job search because workman removed windows!

Fun of Job Search in Rutland and Leicestershire.

There are no employment services in Rutland.

Jobcentre Plus Flexible New Deal?

Jobcentre Plus Flexible New Deal?
Is it New I don't think so!

Dear Alan Duncan MP

I am writing to you, regarding the governments New Flexible Deal.

Sadly I can see no difference between New Deal or the New Flexible New Deal. Accept this time the Employment service is very keen to point out sanctions and more sanctions if a job seekers does not comply.

On my first visit to Job Links in Leicester, I joined a group in a room to watch a Power Point presentation about Job Links. I left with the impression Job Link was wonderful despite the dated image of their advertising I wonder how many of the job seekers ever purchased a 45rpm Single.

On my second visit I met my advisor Nadia, who is very polite and cant spell like me. so I am sure she will help me find employment.

On my third visit job search day for everyone who attends Job Links. There are six computers for everyone to use. A couple copies of the Leicester Mercury. Three folders of jobs printed from the government job site. Most printed in January and February, six jobs had past the closing date so I removed these for future reference.

Arriving early on Job search day I signed in and waited and waited in the crowd of people. Then I was spotted by Nadia who explained I must apply for three jobs and then wait for a member of a team to become free. I could not find three job in the Oakham area so I waited for a free advisor sometime later after the manger had made numerous loud requests to the staff to work quicker and hearing a advisor telling a man he had no chance of getting a job because of the way he smelt, I was seen and details entered onto a PC and off for another wait to get a form to claim my train fare.

So far Government has paid £36 in train fare. I don’t understand why. Job links is offering no more than I do in the library each day here in Oakham. Before going to Job Links I had applied for a Job at Burley Fires.

The advisors at Job links seem no more qualified than me to help find work. The Employment Service say they are meant to help us to find a job we want to keep, So why do the job folders have part-time cleaning jobs with hours as low as three hours.

I have attached the result of my second visit to Job Links.

Yours sincerely

Martin Brookes