Showing posts with label Oakham Town Council. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Oakham Town Council. Show all posts

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Greedy, Oakham Town Council, Boundary Review, New Larkfleet Homes Barleythorpe, Council Writes To Helen Briggs

Oakham  Town Council, Boundary Review, New Larkfleet Homes, Barleythorpe, Council Writes To Helen Briggs

After sitting and listening to the clerk a few months back, when he told Councillors "all the new homes in the area are good for the town council, because they would receive a increased precept
and the town council would not have to provide any additional services"

I would like to suggest the new residents of Barleythorpe should be aware of the Town Councils
intentions to drag them into the parish of Oakham.

The residents should get together a politely tell them to sod off!

The greed of Oakham Town Council is disgusting.

The resident should get together and fight this disgraceful dysfunctional town council, It may be possible for them to set up their own parish council in Barleythorpe and set a zero precept.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Oakham Town Council

Mr Keith Tyers Chairman of the Rutland Order Of St George
and Rutland Lions Member arriving at Leicester Magistrates Court

He is the kind gentleman who once assaulted me. The police just took
his card and allowed him to continue on to a church service.

Inspector Monks decided his conduct was acceptable and no further action was taken.

He went on to approach me again and told me "I was worse than a Paedophile
and smelt worse than shit on the pavement he stood on"

His whifes bottom features on my blog,  normal Oakham and  Rutland
conduct for respectable former Oakham Mayors and School Governors.


Photograph was taken from Jim Harrison former Oakham Mayors
Video of Royal wedding celebrations.

Good to hear his name revealed in court this Monday as
a supporter of my most vile attackers.

Hi Dotty Hows Melton Borough Council
Maybe you would like to prepare a few complaints
and pass them to the town clerk Richard White ready just in case
I am elected again, just like you did that time before?

Tim hows the walking and cycling :-)

Better not put Dotty's real names as she will get her husband to send me another
threatening message the last time I did that.

Adult Children will play at their computers.

Mr Tyers and others who I cant yet name are typical, Homophobic
Bullies and a Vile tiny establishment minority that controls Oakham.

If you were in court on Monday, you would have been
deeply offended by the conduct and manner of  the person giving evidence
against me, not that surprisingly they hold public office.
One County Councillor who was present was "very shocked and offended by what they observed
and listened to.

I can not name the Town Councillor yet for legal reason but the local press have.

Their conduct and manner is typical of the majority of Town Councillors past
and present it's vile.

I hope Cllr Lucas noted very carefully what she saw and heard, she should resign because she
has supported that Councillor and their vile disgusting conduct for years. The rest who have also supported their conduct should resign and that includes you Adam Lowe and the Town Clerk.

Friday, January 18, 2013

Oakham Town Council, Increase Council Tax 1.01% , Budget 2013 - 2014


At the meeting of the Town Council held on Wednesday 16th January 2013, members agreed the Council's budget for 2013 - 2014.

The Council will require £212477 to run its services in 2013 - 2014.

This will mean that residents of Oakham who live in a Council Tax Band D equivalent house will pay £52.66 in 2013 - 2014. This is an increase of £0.53 on 2012 - 2013 or 1.01%.

The amount paid to Oakham Town Council is just one part of the overall Council Tax demand that residents will receive from Rutland County Council in due course. The rest is made up of the amounts required by Rutland County Council and the Police and Fire Services.

Please click on the link below to view the approved budget. You are asked to note that this is in a .xls format (an Excel spreadsheet) and you will need appropriate software to view it. 

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Oakham in Bloom £3000 grant awarded from Oakham Town Council

well done Oakham in Bloom

Oakham in Bloom £3000 grant awarded from Oakham  Town Council

Friday, November 26, 2010

Martin Brookes Blog Monitored by Three Rutland County Council Officers

First Rutland County District Council's legal officer tells me Rutland County Council Staff can not access my blog at work and this included him.
He now writes to tell me three officers monitor my blog in these times of cut backs is that not an excessive waste of Council Officers time?


Hello Mr Brookes.

Theresa Stokes has passed on your information from earlier.

I think you are mixing two different issues.  I have never said that access to your website has been blocked to all Council computers.  In fact there are three desktop PCs which are not blocked (there used to be none blocked).  They have been left to enable three specified officers to gain access to monitor the contents on an occasional basis from the point of view of the Council's own functional interests.  Any access from these PCs would be gained through the controlled IP address for the main building.  No posting would ever be made from these PCs.

This is entirely separate from the Library and wireless connections with which we have been concerned.

Geoff Pook

Rutland County Council

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