Showing posts with label Public toilets. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Public toilets. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Oakham Town Council Toilet Cleaning Contract Farce

Oakham Town Council Tendered for a contractor to clean the public toilets.

And yes it is a big secret, I can reveal the contract was was awarded to the same company whose contract is due to expire. Public money is being spent and for this reason the public should know what is going on.

The Council in secret awarded last week the contract to the existing contractor the only problem is the man who tendered made a error in his tender and once the sums where added up he found he was thousands of pound out of pocket. So he has refused the contract.

This is the same contractor who was awarded the original contract who then demanded the toilets were closed earlier because people were making them dirty.


I feel the contractor should accept the terms of the new tender he put to the Council and the other contractor should look at the accounts that are a public record and undercut this tender and open and close the loos and the original times advertised.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Spend a penny in a shop?

CharnwoodImage via Wikipedia

Now there is a thought Rutland County Council and Oakham Town Council could save a fortune.

Shops are being asked to open their toilets to the public in a bid by a borough council to save £115,000.

Charnwood Borough Council in Leicestershire is closing 10 of its 14 public conveniences .

The council will offer local businesses £600 a year to open up their loos as part of a community toilet plan.

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