Showing posts with label RSPB. Show all posts
Showing posts with label RSPB. Show all posts

Sunday, September 16, 2012

RSPB, Rutland Day, Rutland Water, Photograph

RSPB, Rutland Day, Rutland Water, Photograph

This lady was badge making for young people one of the many activities 
the RSPB provided for them on Rutland Day at Rutland Water

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

RSPB in Cutts Close Oakham This Week Photograph

RSPB in Cutts Close Oakham This Week Photograph

Monday, July 25, 2011

Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, RSPB, Cutts Close, Oakham, Rutland


From the 25th - 29th July, 

the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds will be running a stand in Cutts Close. 

Free activities for children will run throughout the day.  

Representatives from the RSPB will be on hand to answer questions about  birds and other wildlife from 10.00am - 4.30pm.

Become a member

Step up for nature this summer
Free gift for adult & family memberships
Wild things to do with woodlice
Offer ends 31 August

Your membership will save wildlife

We help the wildlife that flies, hops, crawls and flutters in your garden and local area. 
But we don't stop there. We're helping wildlife in so many ways, across the UK and beyond. 
Your support is crucial. Without members like you, we could not do all of this vital work for nature.
We work to keep rivers healthy for wildlife such as kingfishers
  • Wild things to do with woodlice (ends 31 Aug)

Here's what you'll receive

If you love nature, you'll love these!
  • Your choice of free gift including Wild things to do with woodlice (offer ends 31 August)
  • Free entry to over 100 nature reserves across the UK
  • Birds magazine, packed with seasonal features and stunning photos
  • Member's pack full of ideas to help you make the most of your membership

What your money can do

The more you give, the more we can do for nature.

Aspen sapling

£3 per month

means we can plant 12 native tree saplings to help restore our woodlands for future generations.
Join now or call 01767 693680

Phone lines are open 9 am-5 pm, Monday to Friday

90p in every pound goes straight to conservation

Step up for nature this summer
Free gift for adult & family memberships
Wild things to do with woodlice
Offer ends 31 August

Saturday, July 24, 2010

British Bird Watching Fair Rutland Water

Reed Bunting at Rutland WaterImage by Ian-S via Flickr
British Bird Watching Fair
Rutland Water Nature Reserve
LE15 8BT

20th - 22nd August 2010

RSPB & Wildlife Trust
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