Showing posts with label Racism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Racism. Show all posts

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Oakham Town Councils Mayor Cllr Alf Dewis Response to comments about Bullying, Racism

This week I wrote to our Chairman pointing out complaints I hear from other members
relating to Bullying and Racism they hear or subjected to.

I wrote to him for his assistance to stop such conduct.

This week Cllr Adam Lowe was annoyed with another Cllr and called him a Muslim
which I like the recipient find is unacceptable conduct from our deputy Mayor.
His appalling conduct is supported by the old guard, I do often use that term it is not
an ageist thing as the chairman suggests, they refer to me and others as the new guard.

I am shocked but not surprised by the reply I have received from Cllr Dewis
He oddly suggests I am the bully and suggests I should consider my position
on the council?

Apparently it is vindictive to point out  Cllr Joyce Lucas is bullying members
of Oakham in Bloom and upsetting members of the Festival committee like
she has done on two other local groups, I am more concerned about the first
two because embarrassingly she represents the council on those committees.

As for his comment the council dissociates itself from my comments how
odd is that and who is the council he is suggesting is dissociating itself
from my comments? Is it Him, Joyce Lucas, Adam Lowe and Stan Stubbs?
because I know he is certainly not speaking for all members.

Sent: Sunday, February 14, 2016 at 11:32 AM

From: "Alf Dewis"

To: "martinbrookes@politician.com"

Subject: RE: Racism
It appears that you are content to listen to and believe third hand information that criticises members of Oakham Town Council rather than disbelieve it until you can confirm it yourself.  You are obviously very keen on attacking members and grasp at every little bit of criticism that you can find without confirming its validity.  The phrase 'I am told' does not mean that it actually happened as you need to be able to provide proof of who said what and when.  If you can do that I will investigate but until you can it is purely hearsay and members should be given the benefit of the doubt.   You keep quoting what is and isn't lawful and I wonder if you have ever come across the phrase 'innocent until proven guilty'. You are a councillor and it would be a change to see you attempting to work with members for the betterment of the community rather than continuously attacking them.  In fact, attacking members without proof is now a serious issue affecting this Council.  If only you could direct the energy you use in attacking members into positive work for the Council.
As far as I'm aware there is no racism, homophobia or bullying in the Council unless you can provide proof to the contrary. Unfortunately there is bullying and intimidation which you are presently carrying out.  You might like to add ageism to that list which emanates from your continual attack on the so called 'old guard'.
As Chairman, I will state that the Council dissociates itself from and does not in any way support the comments you make.
You may wish to consider your position as a councillor following the latest vindictive comments you have made.


Saturday, August 22, 2015

Cllr Adam Lowe Oakham Deputy Mayor could lose job a Travis Perkins allegation of Dishonesty, Racism, Bullying and Homophobia

Cllr Adam Lowe Oakham Deputy Mayor could lose job a Travis Perkins allegation of Dishonesty, Racism, Bullying and Homophobia
Cllr Lowe disputes all the allegations made by a former Travis Perkins employee.
Although Cllr Lowe says the allegations are not true and has complained to the police
he did say at the meeting on Wednesday he would probably have a lot of spare time

I asked the former Travis Perkins employee if he was just being malicious or was he
telling the truth. He said in a email to me everything he has alleged is true and expressed
concern that Cllr Lowe had been viewing his wife's online profiles this week.
Of course nothing wrong with that as the profiles are public, but remembering how
members of Oakham Town Council did the same to me and stole images of my friends and
family and posted them on their "homophobic crude and crass blog site" I would be
quite concerned by that recent development.

Cllr Alf Dewis  Oakham Mayor Cllr Adam Lowe Oakham Deputy Mayor Wearing New Body Cam
Oakham Mayor kept looking me and grinning whilst I was setting up my camera to film
the meeting, so I took this picture. Its a bit better than the one I often publish which reminds
of if looks could kill.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Oakham Town Council Planning Immigration and Race

Oakham Town Council Planning Immigration and Race

Dear Mr Pook,

I spoke to the Clerk about this complaint and at the time I said I would not complain.

I posted brief details on my blog and have since received communications stating the Cllrs comments are racist and the council chamber is not the place for racism

I wish to raise a standards complaint against Councillor Nowell.

His racist rant should not be tolerated, the council chamber is not the place to express these views and by doing so he brought the council into disrepute.
I also believe racism in England is a criminal offence so I am copying this complaint to Leicestershire Police to investigate.  I am also sending a copy to the Institute of Race Relations. (was given wrong point of contact now sent to Equality and Human Rights Commission)

Racism is a fairly new development to go public and unchallenged at Oakham Town Council.

Privately I have experienced homophobic behaviour, will the council be recommending planning approval based sexuality next?

Hawksmead Ltd, Paul Bywater, Oakham Town Council Planning APP/2011/NH (FUL) Racism

Hawksmead Ltd, Paul Bywater, Oakham Town Council Planning APP/2011/NH (FUL) Racism

At last night Oakham Town Council meeting of Oakham Town Council's Planning and Park Committee

We were all treated to what can only be describe as a case of the worse case of racism I have ever seen at Oakham Town Council. Most of those Rutland residents who hold racist views don't express them so publicly.

I was shocked when the Chairman of this committee expressed his racism so vocally and consider this an abuse of his position as chairman.

Cllr John Nowell blamed immigration for Oakham's need for new housing he concluded his racial rant with while immigration was allowed to continue new houses will be built and the new houses will sell because they will buy them.Hawksmead Ltd, Paul Bywater, Oakham Town Council Planning APP/2011/NH (FUL) Racism

At last night Oakham Town Council meeting of Oakham Town Council's Planning and Park Committee

We were all treated to what can only be describe as a case of the worse case of racism I have ever seen at Oakham Town Council. Most of those Rutland residents who hold racist views don't express them so publicly.

I was shocked when the Chairman of this committee expressed his racism so vocally and consider this an abuse of his position as chairman.

Cllr John Nowell blamed immigration for Oakham's need for new housing he concluded his racial rant with while immigration was allowed to continue new houses will be built and the new houses will sell because they will buy them.